Episode 10: Reducing Psychological Friction and Finding What Customers Really Want
56:16 | July 1st, 2022
Episode Transcript
Brady: My hip kills me after every episode because I do this.
Garrett: But you do it every episode.
Brady: I know. It’s just-
Garrett: Well, episode 10.
Brady: That’s how I feel most comfortable.
Garrett: Welcome.
Brady: Double digits baby.
Garrett: Original marketing. Brady is sitting in his normal seat.
Brady: Yup. In my normal position.
Garrett: Are your hips going to be sore?
Brady: My hips are going to be sore after this episode.
Garrett: You’re hurt?
Brady: It actually hurt going into the episode, so we’ll see.
Garrett: You haven’t even recovered because it was last Friday.
Brady: No, it was from walking the golf course this weekend.
Garrett: Is it going to be a golf podcast if I let you have your way?
Brady: We talked about it last week and it was the only thing on my mind this weekend. And we recorded on a Friday so…
Garrett: We did prep for the show but the whole show just ended up talking about Brady’s round which he shot three over on the back nine.
Brady: Yeah. Played the front nine twice. Three over the second time. Five over the first time.
Garrett: You’re sore.
Brady: I was walking in the rain. I played nine holes in 40 minutes. Speed, walking. Booking it.
Garrett: What else has been going on in your life?
Brady: Since we last talked? Golf.
Garrett: Uber Freight. Did we talk about that?
Brady: No, we didn’t talk about Uber Freight.
Garrett: That’s one of those deals you’re trying to close right now?
Brady: Yeah. Uber Freight, Zscaler. Some big ones.
Garrett: Those are some big brands.
Brady: Fun ones too.
Garrett: Where are you finding these bigger brands we need right now, Brady?
Brady: It’s fun because they’re at the scale where they have pretty healthy awareness budgets, right? So-
Garrett: In other words, people do know who Uber is.
Brady: Yeah. Uber.
Garrett: inaudible Zscaler.
Brady: Even Zscaler as well. And so they’re investing a lot in just their… It’s called air coverage which means… And they have terms always on campaigns and so that’s less waiting for someone to be in demand and finding channels that express their in demand. And it’s more like you are always a part of your ICPs mind share.
Garrett: We’re the-
Brady: And that’s ideal customer persona.
Garrett: We’re the biggest agency in SaaS for marketing. Do you think we’re big enough to have always on brand campaigns yet?
Brady: I think so. I think-
Garrett: What’s that like? What’s that… When do you think you should switch from bottom of funnel, capture everything, monetize as best you can to people should already know about you and you should be their preferred choice because of how well you’ve done air coverage?
Brady: Yeah. I think you earn it. I think when I say you earn it, you get the ROI from other investments that are more predictable. But I think once you earn it financially, you are actually ready for it because you’ve acquired customers to earn it. You now have a place in the marketplace. You have that authority behind you to use in air coverage campaigns. So I think they naturally happen at the same time.
Garrett: So if you got it like that, you can do it like that?
Brady: Yeah, yeah. That’s what I’m saying.
Garrett: Okay. And getting it like that just means… For us, I think we had 10, 000 SaaS accounts. We’ve held sales calls with probably 90% of them now-
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: … of75. But I would argue we’re not going to get the remainder of our total addressable market, our TAM, if we don’t do different types of campaigns. I think all the people that are power users on LinkedIn that would react to a LinkedIn campaign we’ve got. All the people who would do the Google Ads, we’ve got. I think now it’s time to figure out how do we get that last 25% of our marketplace to know who we are.
Brady: Yeah. Yeah. I do think our LinkedIn messages are somewhat awareness. I’d love to see the data behind the average time of delivery and response. I think we hit people multiple times in their inbox, on their feet and yes, we have a very bottom the funnel let’s talk offer which isn’t normally an awareness ad, but I think people see it multiple times and chew on it almost as if it is awareness.
Garrett: Some people have got it 24 times probably by now. I’ve been running it for over two years.
Brady: Yeah. I’ve looked sometimes in Salesforce if we get a prospect, I’ll log in and I will see multiple campaign touchpoints.
Garrett: Yeah. At this point… And I think that’s the power for everyone listening of not being everything for everyone but something for someone because over time that’s someone, in my opinion… There’s going to be that trigger. There’s timing and there’s positioning. So you got to position yourself to capture the timing but you got to do it long enough for the timing to be captured. I see so many of our clients and I think younger marketers, I know I was guilty of this myself, we want things to work unrealistically. Here’s some of the things in my opinion we do as marketers that are just generically incorrect universally. We expect campaigns to work faster than our close rates. That one’s crazy. In other words, you talk to sales and you find out from sales it takes 60 days on average to close the deal and then the CMO will check in with the demand gen team and be like, ” Where are we at?” It’s only been 45 days. It’s like, ” Well, we’re 15 days away from even knowing.” But people don’t have the confidence to say that so they pivot and freak out. They’re like, “I don’t know. We’re trying. We’re working hard. We’re going to do more,” and sometimes got to be, ” Need 15 more days.” And I think for us… You know how everybody says marketing will eventually stop working or this tactic will stop working?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I know they’re right. But it takes a long time for tactics to stop working. We’ve been sending gift cards to get people to get a meeting. So we send a hundred dollar gift card. If you show up to a meeting, you get a hundred dollar gift card. And we use that in our advertising. We’ve been telling people that for almost two and a half years now and they still are showing up in the droves every day for meetings.
Brady: And I think a lot of it you brought up, you do one thing for one person.
Garrett: Yeah. Something for someone.
Brady: Yeah. Something for someone. I think that’s big for awareness to work as well. And I think that’s big for any type of strategy to work because I get a lot of LinkedIn ads and they’ll have incentives. But I think it is how niche we are and how direct our message is to that person’s problems and pain points that paired with a gift card is what works.
Garrett: Yeah. And I think that’s the hard part for a lot of our clients is a lot of people want to be a platform before they ever became a product. They want to be a brand before they became a product. They want to be more than they can be because they haven’t earned it yet. Delayed gratification is so hard for CEOs and thus, put their marketing teams in impossible situations because the CEO is already bored with their ecommerce positioning so they want expand to SaaS. So they’re bored with SaaS, so they want to expand to ecommerce or, ” I had three clients in the last month asked me about web development. Let’s offer it.” And now you’ve got this crappy unprofitable web development offering that focuses on project instead of recurring revenue because you thought you were losing money. But what’s more important than money is your time and your energy. And so at the executive level… Even our biggest accounts. Most talented executives, they struggle with focusing on the focus. I used to remember saying the focus is the focus. That’s the hardest part for executives to get to that next level is letting the focus be the focus.
Brady: Yeah. I’m seeing that with the whole SLG to PLG movement. It’s not like they’ve mastered the sales program, they’re keeping the sales program and they’re expanding into product led growth. It’s like, ” No. We haven’t figured it out yet, but it’s a hot topic so we’re completely switching,” when I think the route is, ” No, you should master sales. A part of your market needs sales, deserve sales, and you should keep that going and you should expand and add onto it with product led growth.” But-
Garrett: Yeah. But it’s all about the money.
Brady: …I don’t see much of that.
Garrett: It’s about the money though.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So here’s what happens. Let’s just be real. Software industry where we serve and live. Software companies’ CEOs, what’s their primary job description in your opinion? The CEO of software company, Brady.
Brady: Growth is a big part of it. Valuation of the company.
Garrett: Funds.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Fundraising. So if I just raised… You’re my investor, okay, Brady? I’m going to be the CEO for a second. Let me show you how we get harebrained CEOs with bad ideas. I just did a series A with you and I raised a hundred million dollars. Do you think you just give me a hundred million dollars as a blank check or do I need to anchor specific initiatives against a hundred million?
Brady: Yeah. Yeah. You have to-
Garrett: What are those…
Brady: …inaudible plan.
Garrett: What do you see a lot of them end up doing?
Brady: Juicing departments.
Garrett: I see them go global a lot. So I see a lot of guys that are like, ” We’re doing well in the U. S. We want to go to EMEA and APAC.”
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Right?
Brady: I personally see them giving a lot of money to Google for relevant terms. That’s what I see every day.
Garrett: They waste a lot of money on ads with poor targeting and going cheap on agencies or grinding out their in- house team. We see a lot of that. The other thing we see a lot of is innovation, new ideas. And I think the biggest one, it’s usually global and going upstream. We got to get enterprise accounts and we got to go global. And essentially, what they do is they go from being the product that everybody love to the platform that nobody understands and they do it all day every day across our whole portfolio. Why? Because if I’m going to go back to you and I’m going to say I need$ 250 million in a series B, do you think I can say it’s for going global and enterprise again?
Brady: No.
Garrett: I have to give you something new.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So every time I run out of money instead of fixing the problem which is why I didn’t get the growth I wanted, why I still don’t have the cash flow and why I need more capital, I have to come up with a new idea. And do you think I use all my best ideas in the beginning or the end? In the beginning.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So further along I get, the worst ideas I have but it’s the only way I can stay afloat. And eventually, our clients are doing things that make no sense constantly pivoting and they’re massively successful brands. These aren’t little startups. These are companies that are IPOing or post IPO that are still spinning because they need to figure out how to spend the money. And that’s where I think we live now to a certain extent.
Brady: And there’s a category of ideas that look good on paper but if it relies on your market changing in a way for it to become a reality, it’s easier to explain running a hundred miles than getting someone to do it.
Garrett: Yeah. And you don’t see a ton of acquisitions in this space because they’re all overvalued now. They love it for themselves but they don’t want to… It’s the irony, the whole thing. There’s not enough acquisitions in this space because everyone’s overvalued. So you have this weird software world we’re living in.
Brady: Yeah. All the company’s not turning to profit valued billions.
Garrett: Correct. So how do you buy a company that’s just going to increase your debt?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: It has to go to your valuation. So this whole game just becomes about funding and fundraising. And that’s where I think it’s so hard as a marketer in software because you got to balance the game everyone’s playing. Now, that’s a little sass inside the baseball at Directive. Any other stuff you got going on here at Directive?
Brady: We got executive meetings coming up this week. So that’s awesome. We have all the executives flying out for Wednesday all day, half day Thursday. And then everyone who is hired, we do trimesters here at Directive. So everyone hired within the fifth month of the year all the way up till… What is it? The ninth? Yeah. No. Fifth of the… Including the fifth up to the eighth.
Garrett: Yeah. Something like that. Four to eight or whatever.
Brady: Very difficult math right there. They all fly out to Southern California and we get to hang out with them.
Garrett: I have 52 people at my house on Thursday.
Brady: Yeah, that’ll be fun.
Garrett: I’m pumped.
Brady: I can’t make Friday though so that’s going to…
Garrett: Wow. You’re dropping bombs on the show.
Brady: Yeah. It’s all in my calendar but I had a trip planned for a while.
Garrett: Dang.
Brady: But it was tons of fun last time and this group is even bigger.
Garrett: It gets wild.
Brady: That’s how… I went home. I know what you’re talking about. We don’t have to get into that.
Garrett: Well, I’m not going to get into it.
Brady: I know what you’re talking about and I heard it can get wild.
Garrett: I hear all sorts of stuff at the end of the night. I’m like, ” Man, I should have left.” So usually, what I do is I don’t do much Thursday night because I want people to feel like they can just be with their peers. But then Friday night I want to be able to be with everyone. But then there is a point where people may get a little-
Brady: It was-
Garrett: …more loose.
Brady: You took them to the best nineties cover band in…
Garrett: It was such a good time.
Brady: Southern California and inaudible the world. So-
Garrett: We were just literally-
Brady: …inaudible expecting anything different.
Garrett: I lost my voice for two weeks and I had my very first keynote. I couldn’t talk. Nineties cover bands will do that to you. But what a time it was.
Brady: That’s what I hear.
Garrett: What a time it was. Oh my gosh. Well, let’s talk about a little advertising jealousy.
Brady: Yeah. Let’s do it. You want to start? You want me to start?
Garrett: I can start this time.
Brady: Okay.
Garrett: Mix it up. Let me pull it up while you ask me questions and we pretend like we’re not wasting time. So we got this ad right here I want to show you and this is my advertising jealousy. You see it, right?
Brady: Yep
Garrett: And we did this offline at lunch before prep but it’s essentially Duolingo and they’re trying to do their ad for why you need it for travel, but they played on the theme of getting a tattoo.
Brady: And you don’t really know it’s Duolingo. They hint at it with right there like UI screenshots.
Garrett: Correct. You’d have to be a fan-
Brady: And they have the owl on it. So if you know, you know.
Garrett: But really high production. Awesome stuff.
Brady: Extremely high production.
Garrett: And I love this. You’re just sitting down and you’re realizing that you’re getting completely the wrong tattoo and you got the sketchy tattoo artist that’s screwing with you.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: No refunds. I love that. Just such a clever way to do that.
Brady: That line’s cool. ” We got your back. And then arms and chest,” and whatever that is. I thought that was really great.
Garrett: Oh my gosh. So what I just love about it is translation apps should be a lifestyle brand. Do you know what I’m saying?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So if you think about like Rosetta Stone or something, you think about learning a language as this hyper educational thing, you maybe learn Spanish in high school, then in college you might take Spanish again, you might do German or French or whatever, but we don’t really ever learn the language if that makes sense. We learn contextually about the information we should know about the language but we don’t ever really apply the language appropriately. This commercial shows you the jobs to be done. I always talk about JTBD, the jobs to be done. What is the outcome you get from a translation app? And what if you didn’t have to learn the language so much as you felt confident and secure traveling because of the power you had in your pocket. And that’s what I love about it. It creates this cult. You have Google Translate but Google Translate is not the same in my opinion.
Brady: Yeah. And I think it was showing some type of image recognition which is cool which I know Google has that as well. And I’ve seen the videos. Google has live translate so you wear headphones and it just translates as a person’s talking. But this was just such a creative, realistic… The situation is the only, only thing… I don’t even want to say I don’t like it because I really like that ad but they really narrowed it down to the tattoo when maybe there could have been a different experience like a restaurant experience that’s more relatable-
Garrett: There might be.
Garrett: I would like it as a campaign.
Brady: It could be a
Brady: different ad.
Garrett: You could do a whole campaign called Travel Gone Wrong.
Brady: Yeah. But I like the tattoo idea because that’s been a meme in the past. I’ve seen those photos, read it.
Garrett: It’s culturally relevant.
Brady: It’s like an old joke is I got this tattooed and it means this. And then the actual person who knows language says that doesn’t mean that. I think it’s been in movies probably. It’s a cultural-
Garrett: It’s everywhere.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: It is definitely a fear. In this case looks like they’re in Japan and they get a tattoo. It’s not Japan?
Brady: I don’t know
Garrett: You’re looking at me like-
Brady: But-
Garrett: I felt like it was Japan.
Brady: I couldn’t tell you.
Garrett: I’m going to go check it out.
Brady: I always get tested because my wife is Japanese so it’s like, ” My friend, what is she? She just pulled this on me.”
Garrett: You’re slightly Japanese so I feel like you should be better at this than…
Brady: I’m pretty good. So her friend was Cambodian.
Garrett: It’s hard to talk to you. Cambodia and Lao are…
Brady: Yeah. I was like, ” I’m getting pretty good.”
Garrett: Yeah. But that’s expert level.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I can usually tell if someone’s Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese.
Brady: Yep.
Garrett: Filipino.
Brady: Yep.
Garrett: Japanese.
Brady: Yeah. I know languages and accents pretty well too.
Garrett: But-
Brady: From the video-
Brady: …I’m
Brady: at the point where I’m not throwing-
Garrett: inaudible.
Brady: …guesses out.
Garrett: I wonder if I’m right.
Brady: All right.
Garrett: But I think you could just turn in a series. So that’s what I like about the video. It’s like tattoo is one of the use cases but you could have ordering food thinking you got duck and then you ended up with liver and then you hate… There’s so many ways you can bring the pain of not understanding a language and then create the application Duolingo. I keep thinking Dua Lipa. I don’t know why. But every time I say Dua. My brain goes there. Duolingo, it’s song. Jack Harlow has a song called Dua Lipa.
Brady: Is that a person?
Garrett: Yeah, she’s a Latin pop star.
Brady: Okay.
Garrett: But that’s when my brain just keeps going, this Jack Harlow song called Dua Lipa. But essentially you could do any type of campaign that shows pain and then the app being the solution. And I think it’s just universally applicable. And I love that. I love ad campaigns where to your point of like, ” Well, I wish it would’ve shown more.” I like that they didn’t show more and that they could go 60 seconds deep into a bunch of different applications all thematically correlated to that same pain because that to me is even cool.
Brady: Yeah. And I think you brought this up, but the fact that it was, they presented the app in a way where you can download it in the airport on your way and still use it versus I think… Duolingo’s done this type of ad where it’s more like, ” Okay, you’re about to commit a good portion of your life to learning this language.”
Garrett: That’s what you and I talk about a ton called psychological friction. And I think there’s so much psychological friction in my opinion, Brady, associated with e- learning.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Is there any part of you that thinks learning a language is fun for being inaudible?
Brady: No, it’s tough. I did Duolingo for Japanese.
Garrett: You probably could but-
Brady: I count to five but I quit at colors.
Garrett: Yeah, see? You quit. And I’m sure they have massive retention issues and other things like that. And once they start to understand that, pivoting it to being more of a tool, it’s what the… The ad makes it a tool. You’re in a situation, you don’t understand what’s occurring and you want to validate your knowledge or you want to verify something or you want to understand something. You use the app as a tool. That to me is such a clever way to reposition the product from being a Rosetta Stone competitor to being a better version of Google Translate. That’s two very different offerings and I’m sure they have both. I’m not an expert in Duolingo, I’ve never used the app. But to see how they advertise something that is so much psychological friction, so much nastiness associated with learning a new language, pain, we don’t love to learn new languages. Americans, the least. Other countries know multiple languages. We don’t.
Brady: And I think you learn that way over time. I think if I had that with that as the expectation, I’m like, ” Oh, I’m just going to take out my app.” And even if it’s a dish, a restaurant, how would I say this in Japanese? I think I would actually learn because I know some just from… Like foreign language is toilet. foreign langauge is bath. foreign langauge is carry and hold. But that’s from being around my family.
Garrett: But then they start talking fast and you start to lose it. Right? And that was me me in Spanish, I would say… If I was in Mexico for two weeks, I would be pretty fluent at the end of two weeks. But I need time. It’s a slow ramp and it’s like I don’t get stuck with the whole sense, I get stuck on a word. To have that app right there and just pull up that word real quick, you’ll get that confidence. You start speaking more. It’s like learning a language in bite size pieces. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you learn a language? I think first with confidence. And I think the app showed you how usable it was.
Brady: Yeah. They showed the bites.
Garrett: Yeah, they showed the bites.
Brady: They showed the bites. Yeah. I thought it was cool. And I’m just so hyped on the level of production for a translation app.
Garrett: It was epic. It was epic live action production for a translation app.
Brady: It was a really cool style. The darkness of it for the tattoo parlor.
Garrett: That’s what I seeing dark Tokyo-
Brady: The nightlife food.
Garrett: … That’s whyI was being like, ” Tokyo at night,” was where my brain went.
Brady: The sun does go down in every country, but I’m…
Garrett: inaudible.
Brady: Except for Alaska sometimes.
Garrett: I was there for that.
Brady: Really?
Garrett: It’s really weird. Yeah.
Brady: That’s so trippy. Great for golf though.
Garrett: Yeah, we had the second largest telecommunications company in Alaska for four years as a customer and we’d go up there sometimes to visit. We got to Iditarod. Yeah, that stuff was cool.
Brady: Yeah. That did look like… You saw the husky race, right? Or was that just John?
Garrett: inaudible.
Brady: Okay. Yeah, he was on the building of the company and there’s this annual husky race going on-
Garrett: inaudible” What are we going on?”
Brady: It’s crazy.
Garrett: I love it. Well, what do you got for us today?
Brady: Yeah. So it’s such a simple ad that I don’t even know if we have to take out and show it but-
Garrett: I mean-
Brady: I know Garrett’s going to throw up on the screen for everyone.
Garrett: Can you show it to me real quick? Let me-
Brady: Yeah, I got you.
Garrett: Let me see what you got here.
Brady: And I forgot my prop at home.
Garrett: I know what the hell.
Brady: But it’s an Adidas slides ad or sandals is what it’s called in the ad but…
Garrett: Will they call them sandals?
Brady: And the ad said sandals. Yeah. Let me find that.
Garrett: That’s interesting. I want to actually talk about that. Where did you find the ad? Was it targeted to you natively or did you discover it?
Brady: I found it on Reddit AdPorn.
Garrett: Do you feel-
Brady: It was like-
Garrett: I doubt the ad was to American consumers.
Brady: I don’t know how old the ad is but it’s just using the logo with a line under it to show-
Garrett: This is what people who-
Brady: …sandals.
Garrett: …live in Arizona and come to California and go to the beach, this is what they wear.
Brady: And this is what I wear. I forgot I was going to wear them for the podcast.
Garrett: You wear these to the beach when you’re surfing.
Brady: No, I wear them. They’re my garage and driveway shoes.
Garrett: Yeah, that’s what I have. But I call them slides.
Brady: Yeah, I call them slides too.
Garrett: Sandals have the thong piece in between your toes.
Brady: Yes, I agree. When I first saw it, I saw it was so cool the way they can incorporate their logo, put a line under it and it just really… It’s a bit abstract. Just a bit abstract. Shows the product. And I was trying to think what other companies have that logo and a product because it doesn’t work with every Adidas shoe, right? You can’t just do a line under the logo.
Garrett: It doesn’t work with most Adidas shoes.
Brady: No, I think it only works with the slides.
Garrett: Yeah. Well, if they did lady high heels or boots, you could maybe-
Brady: Yeah, but it would still be more than just one line.
Garrett: You have three straps. Most lady’s shoes have two straps I believe. One on the ankle, one on the toes.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: There’s not like a third in the middle. It would look fun.
Brady: It depends on the style. I think there can be.
Garrett: You think so?
Brady: I know so.
Garrett: There’s three straps that would work.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: Yeah. But that’s not… I don’t think they make… They don’t make that shoe. They don’t make an Adidas high… That’s an actual-
Garrett: That’s true. You’re right. You’re right.
Brady: And I also liked it because-
Garrett: Are yours Nike or Adidas though?
Brady: Mine are Adidas.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: That’s why I wanted to wear them. They honestly look just like that. They’re the Velcro ones though.
Garrett: Do you stripes over checks?
Brady: Stripes over checks? Oh, yeah. The check mark. I was thinking checkers or…
Garrett: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Brady: Converse for a second. Yes.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: But I think that might be a part of it. I got my slides at Costco for$ 13 and so it was one of those things where it’s like I’m not going to… I’m not a house slipper guy. I take my shoes off and wear socks or barefoot. But they were 13 bucks. I got them. And I think that’s a part of me being an Adidas person is now I have the slides. I really like my ultraboost. I went to the outlet mall the other weekend. They have a Nike store and an Adidas store. Only went to Adidas.
Garrett: Start from the bottom.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: You’re working inaudible.
Brady: I mean I’ve had ultraboost before the slides, but I think it’s a product that you see a lot of people wearing them. I think it’s worthy of advertising. It’s like a-
Garrett: Is the ad good enough to work-
Brady: … alifestyle.
Garrett: …if you’re not paying attention?
Brady: Yeah. For me, I really-
Garrett: At this point. Let’s just make it digital for a second.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So if it’s not moving and it’s just there, is it so subtly good you don’t notice it? Just out of curiosity.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Playing devil’s advocate for a second because I think some of these ads crush on print, crush outdoors, crush on a billboard. Do you think-
Brady: But ad fatigue might be stronger than the ad-
Garrett: Than creativity.
Brady: …on digital display?
Garrett: Yeah. Because there’s no movement in these. If it moves, it doesn’t probably play as well.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I’m just curious. So the Lego one, I did something similar. I showed the Lego ad. I don’t know if that Lego ad hits in a display ad format for digital or if it’s just out of office like billboard, print. I don’t know. What do you think about that? Just conceptually on… Because they’re very clever. I love the app. I mean it’s beautiful. It’s like sex for advertisers. It’s clean, it’s subtle, it’s creative, it’s cool. We love it. But maybe pause for a second. Does it drive sales?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Is it shockingly memorable?
Brady: Yeah, there’s definitely my mindset which is I’m in advertising.
Garrett: Correct.
Brady: I’m planning for this segment.
Garrett: Correct.
Brady: I own Adidas slides.
Garrett: Yes.
Brady: And so I definitely know those three variables make me very attracted to that ad. I do think there’s something about the minimalism that does grab attention similar to your Lego ad to where white space is the common term but the background’s black. So the black space in that ad and just the simplicity of… That’s the Adidas logo with a line under it and it gets the person thinking. Honestly, I think the human brain almost feels rewarded for seeing the slides in that visual. It’s like, ” Oh, I get it. It’s the slides.” So I do think there’s a lot of attention grabbing aspects. But does it drive sales? I think it gets it up in the dome. It gets you thinking about it.
Garrett: Let’s pull it up again. Let’s just look at it because I want to see if there’s anything we could do to make it drive more sales.
Brady: I don’t want to change this thing.
Garrett: I like the idea of it being a motion graphics because it’s line based. You know how Apple creates movement off of a similar concept? I think you could have the lines-
Brady: Oh, yeah, you could definitely animate it.
Garrett: …moving.
Brady: And just says sandals on the bottom.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Maybe price ranges would be interesting because there’s a pretty wide range. I probably got the cheapest men’s sandals for$ 13 from Costco. Yet if you go to the store, I’m sure there’s certain ones that could cost up to 50. So 13 to$ 50 range would be-
Garrett: I got an idea for you.
Brady: …interesting.
Garrett: So you see how it’s flat?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: What if we tilted it so it was in a striking motion like a soccer ball? But the ball still had the Adidas stripes built in but it was a QR code.
Brady: Ah. So it’s like kicking it.
Garrett: Yep. But the ball’s like-
Brady: And you played soccer, would you kick a ball in slides?
Garrett: No. But we all wear slides to soccer because-
Brady: You show up to the field with them?
Garrett: Yeah. You don’t need two socks. Exactly. So you just put your long socks on. But you don’t want to wear cleats because you don’t wear cleats in the parking lot. So every real soccer player wears slides. None of us wear anything other than slides.
Brady: Yeah. No, it could definitely be like… The base of the ad is always using this and then incorporating it into-
Garrett: Different sports, different themes. I like it as an ad. My only question was in digital, those ads, I would imagine… I try to do something similar. So I don’t know if you remember this. I took our brand colors and I thought every ad always is trying to tell you so much. What if I just used the brand color and put my logo in the bottom right corner and it was more of just a logo awareness play which to me that’s more of a brand awareness play. It’s four or five.
Brady: It’s more of an Adidas ad than it is a-
Garrett: Sandals ad.
Brady: …slides ad. Yeah. And there’s some cool… I feel like for a high production slides ad I would do the really chaotic, let’s just use soccer. So actual play footage of just intense gameplay. A person just exhausted and then they walk off the field and then it just shows them kicking their cleats off and slipping into the slides.
Garrett: I like when we apply it to things because I think audiences need a kick in the pants to dream. I don’t think as humans, when we’re going about our day, remember when we consume ads as humans, we’re not intending to. You and I are because we do a show. But people are usually in between what they’re trying to do, they’re being interrupted by an ad. So to me, the more subtle you make an ad, the less of an interruption it is. So the less you consume it. Now I love the subtlety because to me it shows true craftsmanship as an advertiser. So I love it as an advertiser. I’m just curious conceptually since you and I keep getting drawn to those because they’re sexy, they’re fun, the Lego ad, the carrot one you didn’t do, the slide, they’re all the same.
Brady: Oh. Don’t spoil. I’m saving that.
Garrett: Jesus. I mean how do you-
Brady: Come on. I’m harvesting for the winter. Don’t be talking about the carrot ad.
Garrett: But it’s the same concept, Brady.
Brady: Yes. I probably won’t use that one.
Garrett: It is all the same concept. And we love it. As advertisers, we love it. It’s not punny. I would say puns are the lowest form of copy. Right? It’s not punny.
Brady: You would offend so many people in the company with that statement.
Garrett: I would love to tell people on their face.
Brady: Not for their professional copy. It’s just a lot of-
Garrett: Oh, I can’t.
Brady: …a lot of dad jokes out there.
Garrett: No. But you know what I’m talking about. My old head of marketing would do this thing where she would run a campaign and she’d send someone a plant and the copy would be, ” We can’t wait to grow with you.” And it’s not objectively bad but it just hurt my soul.
Brady: Come on. I want to send out back in the day that icebreaker game-
Garrett: And it was the ice breaker.
Brady: … withthe penguin on the center and it was the first send for direct mail.
Garrett: That’s what hurts my heart, dude. The puns.
Brady: I said the company would be offended. I’m really talking about myself.
Garrett: Yeah, I can see that now. I don’t know. I just feel like puns are the lowest form of copyright.
Brady: Yeah. There’s a time and place but very selective. And I think a lot of people break that.
Garrett: They’re addicted to them because they’re easy.
Brady: Yeah, they’re easy. But you think they are the most genius thing.
Garrett: “I’m so creative right now.”
Brady: Yeah. Yeah, I agree with that.
Garrett: Oh, man. Well, I love the ad. It’s really, really good. I’m curious how… If you and I were to run that on a Facebook campaign, how it’d perform against something that was less subtle and more in your face.
Brady: Yeah, I think it would have to be part of a multi creative multichannel strategy.
Garrett: I like it for retargeting. If we’re being honest. So let’s say I had sandals in my… So sometimes, I feel like retargeting they push me harder than I’m ready for. So I think if you… Let’s say you were trying to sell slides and we ran a cart abandonment retargeting campaign with a subtle ad and a direct response ad, I think together those two ads are better than alone because you get the direct response. But then I think the hard part about a lot of the ecommerce retargeting experience is they don’t take me anywhere. It’s still buy now. It doesn’t solve any of the reasons why I didn’t buy it in the first place other than they think it was haste or I ran out of time.
Brady: So he had to go do something or else he totally would’ve bought. So let me just bring him back to the same exact experience.
Garrett: Correct. I never understood that.
Brady: That’s a good point.
Garrett: It’s like when SaaS companies, they do retargeting to the homepage, but the homepage was a thing that they didn’t convert on in the first place and then you just sent them back. So I think something subtle like that… If you were to show me that ad and I’d been looking at slides, I think you could subliminally get me to check. That’s where I think the subliminal stuff is healthy. I don’t know if it’s as healthy as we’d like to think it is when we do subtle first touch ads.
Brady: Or even retargeting on ultraboost a success page, like a checkout, actual purchase then you hit them with the slides ad.
Garrett: Correct. To cross sell and upsell. I just think you have to have some type of level of connection for subtleness to work.
Brady: Yeah. Yep. I agree.
Garrett: Right? We agree. That, my friends, is advertising jealousy.
Brady: Yeah. That’s when we agree.
Garrett: Totally agree. We win.
Brady: That’s a win.
Garrett: So Brady, market this.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: inaudible.
Brady: You announce you want me to do it?
Garrett: You announce, you announced.
Brady: All right. Well, it’s all around us. We’re sending in it right now. We’re going to talk about furniture. And this is your idea, so I’m going to let you take it from here.
Garrett: Yeah. The thing with me is sometimes I just want to give us ones that I think are really hard and I think this one’s inaudible-
Brady: And my mind was going, ” I have a commercial.”
Garrett: Okay. So I love that. I’m going to need your help because… Let me set the stage around why I think it’s a good topic for today. It’s Tuesday. You’re moving into your new apartment, your new condo.
Brady: I thought, “What are you talking about?” I’m like, ” Wait. It’s Tuesday today. I thought it was Monday.”
Garrett: No. Let me take you to a little world.
Brady: Yeah. Take me to tomorrow.
Garrett: I’m taking you in a little world. It’s tomorrow.
Brady: Okay.
Garrett: You’re moving on Saturday, Tuesday. You’re moving. You’re currently in a two bedroom. You just bought a four bedroom. Business is good. Brady’s doing well. He’s going to have to get some furniture for a couple new rooms. Now if you’re like me, you don’t like living in an empty house, it makes you feel a little awkward and it’s fun to design stuff. So you’re like, “All right.” You get a little stuck though. So you have a couple options and this is where you start running into issues. They have these apps, you can scan a room and you can try to place the virtual furniture in it. It’s hard to make that work. Now we know a company, Matterport, we’ve been to a lot of talks with. They do this quite well. But it’s not like I’ve downloaded the consumer apps for it. It’s not great. Okay. So it’s hard to imagine a room, you end up drawing it out, or you have to maybe get a interior designer but you don’t want to spend all their fees. So you’re over there just trying to find what’s going to go in the room. And then if you’re like me or most people, you maybe go to IKEA, maybe you go to an Ashley home furnishing or whatever. You go to Jerome’s, whatever your local furniture store is and you’re excited. So you go in there, you walk around, they have a somewhat helpful sales person who’s not really a designer but can tell you where different stuff is. So you walk the store, you finally find some stuff that you really like. You go to order it. It’s never in stock. They never have it.
Brady: Yeah. Other people like it too.
Garrett: So it’s all only for the floor and then they’re going to ship it to you. So you have to pay for that on the shipping. It’s not included a lot of times and it’s four weeks out. So I don’t know what’s the easy way of doing this? IKEA’S got their massive warehouse when you get out of IKEA.
Brady: Yeah. Their stuff, you always hit out of stock.
Garrett: And you can’t move with IKEA stuff. I’ve learned about IKEA. It only works in Your Home.
Brady: Oh, yeah.
Garrett: If you try to move the furniture, it falls apart in travel and it’s just-
Brady: inaudible. My wife had a wardrobe and we took it apart and we moved it into our garage. Still in the garage in pieces because I can’t even imagine-
Garrett: What you’re doing?
Brady: The directions are gone. It’s just a baggy, filled with a hundred parts.
Garrett: It’s hard.
Brady: Yeah, it’s not inaudible.
Garrett: So to me, the industry needs some disruption. IKEA to me is too low of quality. And if you really try to use the IKEA stuff, you can’t have IKEA in your house with three kids. They’re going to just demolish the IKEA stuff.
Brady: Yeah. There’re certain… Dressers I think are good.
Garrett: You like the dressers?
Brady: Yes.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I’m a big consignment store guy. I’ll go get furniture at the consignment store-
Brady: Yeah, yeah. I like the one in inaudible.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: I don’t know if you’ve been in that one.
Garrett: I’ve been to a lot.
Brady: At Walmart.
Garrett: Yeah, they’re good. My point to you though is how do we disrupt this industry? How do we make it better? How do we create a product people want? How do we market that product? What’s your take, Brady?
Brady: So my mind was going to advertising existing companies with IKEA being the obvious one, but I do think there’s just so many different markets. There’s the high end market.
Garrett: The restoration hardware market.
Brady: Yeah. Like my cousin’s going to post- grad and she found a couch on Facebook marketplace and the lady’s like, ” Oh, it’s unavailable.” And she’s like, ” What about the couch behind it?” She’s like, ” Yeah, my husband will drop it off 150 bucks.” She googles it. It’s like a 25 grand couch that she got from someone didn’t know how much it was. So there’s that… I’m telling her to flip it. I’m like, ” You could pay for your college and-
Garrett: Brady inaudible-
Brady: …anything you want to do. Just flip that thing and buy a $ 200 couch now.”
Garrett: It’s probably so comfortable though.
Brady: I didn’t… I couldn’t even look at it. But she’s going to keep it.
Garrett: The couches are crazy expensive.
Brady: They can be.
Garrett: And they can take 90 days to get delivered. That’s what I’m trying to explain. The couch you want is you can’t have. There’s no way to get what you want in the furniture game.
Brady: Yeah. So I’m thinking low end market. And I’m going to have IKEA in there as the massive one-
Garrett: Of course.
Brady: …But I want to give this idea to the smaller brands. One idea was for social media advertisement is to take a hotel suite and completely just using IKEA because it’s the only lower end brand I know. Use IKEA furniture for the whole thing and then do the reaction shot of them learning it’s all IKEA. So a couple goes in, it might be their honeymoon. They think it’s the most incredible room they’ve ever seen in their life. And then the person bringing up their bags is like, ” This is all IKEA.” And then they’re just like, ” Holy shit. No way.”
Garrett: I want-
Brady: One ad idea. Or do an actual hotel partnership where your furniture is actually in the rooms and people can shop the products in the room on their phone. And so it’s pretty apparent like, ” Oh, whether it’s a smaller shop or a big one, this is all IKEA in our rooms at this best western in Houston.” And so when you stay there, you can actually shop the products in your room. So that was the first idea.
Garrett: They’re not durable enough though. It’s a brilliant concept but I think this is what creates an opportunity for us.
Brady: Yeah. There is unique furniture for hotels. I do. I think I saw where your mind went in terms of the durability. I do think hotel furniture is a category in itself.
Garrett: It is. But I’m just saying there’s something in the middle that you can’t say. Who’s a middle tier furniture brand?
Brady: Maybe West Elm or is that high tier?
Garrett: That’s probably mid tier. Yeah.
Brady: Yeah. Yeah. I’d say it’s middle.
Garrett: They’re not in a strip mall but they’re in a home goods type center in the district here. They have three of them next to each other. Usually, it’s home goods-
Brady: Like Crate& Barrel.
Garrett: Crate& Barrel, West Elm, whatever. They’re all together. But to me, they don’t have enough selection and they don’t like… IKEA’S brilliant because remember when you’re walking their floor, they have the rooms already designed for you. So they take away the… When you go into a different furniture brand, they don’t use walls and they don’t create spaces. So I would say for a lot of people, they struggle to connect. They get very insecure. They feel confident in IKEA because it’s literally been already designed for them. So they can imagine its application and so then they’ll purchase it. But I think there’s a quality gap. So to me, there’s this opportunity in the middle where you could recreate the success of IKEA where it still builds yourself, it still allows you to walk through it but not in a controlled maze that I think a lot of people don’t enjoy and you could do a 21st century version of IKEA with medium tier materials where you could say, ” IKEA lasts two years. We last 10,” or whatever, five. And you can create that middle tier. What do you think about that?
Brady: Yeah. I think IKEA, at least in my mind, is moving in that direction. I personally don’t think of IKEA as the broken down brand anymore. I think they still sell that stuff. But we have I think two big dressers from IKEA and they are-
Garrett: Sturdy.
Brady: …heavy duty-
Garrett: Really?
Brady: …really good hardware we customize it to… We did this cabinet where we cut out the middle and we put this rattan in it. But I do think… And I don’t want to get too far off topic from that question, I think this is so relevant to those mid- tier brands you’re talking about is the partnerships with designers I think is interesting because I’m just thinking about… You painted that whole scenario on my life changing tomorrow but it’s something I recently went through.
Garrett: Correct.
Brady: We went from a two bedroom townhouse to a three bedroom home and we had to buy a lot of new stuff.
Garrett: Correct.
Brady: And a part of that was the Pure Salt Interiors brand being a part of Target. The Chip and Joanna Gaines has her whole target line. And so we looked at Target. We bought two chairs in our living room from Target. I don’t know if it was a part of their lines. But I think that’s an opportunity for some of those brands is to partner with interior designers that are well known and have them do a line with you I think is a way to get out there.
Garrett: I had an idea though.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I wanted to make it direct to consumer brand that was sexy.
Brady: Like, ” So my aunt bought a$ 5000 couch off of Instagram.” Are you thinking like-
Garrett: Kind of like Wayfair but a more curated… You manufacture it yourself. You’re not a marketplace.
Brady: Okay. Yeah. Because Wayfair is just-
Garrett: Correct. It’s system distorting.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So here’s my thought. Can we make the argument that almost all rooms are somewhat similar to a certain extent?
Brady: Yes.
Garrett: In a home.
Brady: Yes.
Garrett: Master bedrooms are all very similar. You put a big bed in it, you need at least one big dresser, two small… You have two nightstands. There’s usually a window. You can… The bed isn’t underneath the window. Usually, it’s on the left. If you’re looking at it, the foot of the bed faces the door. There’s some hits that the world plays. What if as a step one to partnering with us, we sent you VR headset. Overnight delivery. So you want to come to our branch, step one, VR headset overnight delivery, and then you’re now in Your Home and then we have preloaded the VR headset with 100 different types of rooms all with our own furniture lines already designed and then you can flip through them and then you can essentially go, ” I like room number two.” ” I like room number four.” And then maybe we have 10 themes. So we have shiplap as a theme. We have mid- century modern as a theme. We’ve got Bohemia as a theme. So we have all these different design themes. So you pick your design theme and then we have all these different room variations. You pick those and then you can pick out your favorite furniture of those and then we just mail it all directly to your house.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: And install’s included for X amount. To me, if you could give me real furniture with a real design experience, install included, that is a massive market share opportunity.
Brady: You could probably just even… I’ve done Google Cardboard once. I don’t know if you ever messed with that.
Garrett: Yeah, yeah. inaudible.
Brady: You could probably just-
Garrett: Correct. I’m not saying high end VR. It just needs to be modern day look-
Brady: And have them put their phone in. Yeah.
Garrett: It’s a modern day look book. Exactly. You put it in, you understand the room.
Brady: There’s something… You know that guy, the powerful websites you need to know?
Garrett: No.
Brady: Have you seen that guy on Instagram?
Garrett: No.
Brady: He’s on episode 200 something and he just shows a random website and they’re all pretty cool. And one of the most recent ones, at least that I saw, was a furniture one where you put in some information and then they source all this furniture and then you can click into each piece and customize it and then they bundle it. But they don’t have the room layout.
Garrett: That sounds like-
Brady: You select your style and they just put these products together.
Garrett: I think the success of IKEA is it creates a complicated… As humans, we’re not great at envisioning a room and all its furniture and thinking exactly where it all goes. Sometimes, I just walk IKEA for… I like interior design so I might walk IKEA. See something and go, ” I won’t do that, but I could do this instead.”
Brady: And people spend a lot of time in those rooms. Personally, when I go there, I know what I’m getting. I do like walking around. But I do notice people are spending time in the pre- built rooms.
Garrett: Well, yeah, they don’t know how to design.
Brady: Yeah. And really checking it out. For sure.
Garrett: They’re taking photos if you watch. They’re trying to figure it out.
Brady: Yeah, yeah.
Garrett: So that’s what I’m saying. If you came to our website, let’s say we could call it Your Home so it’s… And you sell this whole home is where the heart is. This whole romantic emotional connection with Your Home. And it starts with what are your favorite colors? Put those in. What are your favorite materials? You put those in. You can do it all. And off that, our software… You know how Stitch Fix works?
Brady: Yeah, yeah.
Garrett: Those personal stylists. We have an automated personal interior designer does it all for you. We send you the cardboard, you see it all, you get to choose what you want. And then all the furniture shipped within two days. We overnight the other. In one week, you could be looking on Tuesday, we were talking about earlier and by Saturday you could have all your furniture at your house and it fits. You feel good about it.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: People… And with real wood. Not all this manufactured would but you choose walnut, cherry, whatever that is, and you actually get real wood and it’s high end furniture and they install it for you, that could work.
Brady: I feel like the quiz could be really sophisticated.
Garrett: It could be.
Brady: Like, ” Are you married?” Yes. ” Where did you go on your honeymoon?” Because-
Garrett: I love it. Yeah.
Brady: … Iwas watching… One of the most recent shows I watched about the whole fixer up or whatever it was, they wanted a certain shade.
Garrett: You’re right. They do that interview questions and they get that emotional side.
Brady: They were explaining why they wanted things. They’re like, ” Oh, we want this type of shade because we went on our honeymoon here and they had that and we loved it.” So I think that’s pretty common where inspiration comes from. And so I think the quiz part could be very-
Garrett: And we could start as a product.
Brady: …sophisticated.
Garrett: Like we were saying earlier, we could start as a product. Chip and Joanna Gaines to me are product. Correct me if I’m wrong here. Scarlet, you’re in the studio today and I’m sure and I don’t want just assume, but I’m assuming you like Chip and Joanna Gaines at all. Yeah, she’s nodding her head. Yeah. People like them.
Brady: Oh, I’m here too. I love them.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Waco, Texas, shout out.
Garrett: They do modern farmhouse and they don’t make… They’re not doing other stuff. It’s modern farmhouse. So I think our furniture could also just be one style at first. We could get known for that. And then we could essentially go from being a product to a platform. In other words, we could go from having this one type of furniture that everybody likes and keeps our self focused. We hit our deliveries on time, we make sure we don’t run out of inventory. We can make sure everything’s the right quality. And then we can add in, ” Oh, we started on modern barn. Now we go to mid- century modern. Now we go to shiplap,” or whatever that is. And we bring in these new styles. I feel like it could actually work.
Brady: Yeah. We couldn’t do the quiz then.
Garrett: Well-
Brady: To start.
Garrett: To start.
Brady: To start.
Garrett: But then-
Brady: Or we just say, ” You failed our quiz. You don’t fit our style.”
Garrett: But I think from there we could develop it. And to me, I think if you could get someone high quality furniture installed in a week without an interior designer but it looked like you had one, that would be tough to beat. That would genuinely be a very strong value prop for a lot of people.
Brady: Yeah. And I think picking that style to start with the influencer connections would be gigantic because I think the influencer, if it fits their style, and if it was purely authentic, you’d only want to find influencers who actually like your products, their audience is going to like it too.
Garrett: And I have another-
Brady: For the most part.
Garrett: To go off your hotel idea.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: You know how when you go to a hotel, they have different types of rooms. What if one of the rooms was branded like us and you could choose it. So it’s more co- marketing.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: In other words, you do King deluxe, two queen, double queen, suite, and then you had Your Home room.
Brady: Yeah. Or the one bed king by-
Garrett: Your Home.
Brady: …inaudible.
Garrett: Yeah, exactly. And then you would go in there and then you’d have just a subtle piece of paper by the telephone and that would say, ” Everything here is by Your Home with the QR code,” or whatever. That, to me, if you could get people to experience it too, you did the right co- marketing because your hotel idea is brilliant.
Brady: And even if they don’t know Your Home, when they’re looking at that hotel room, they’re like, ” Buy Your Home.” What is it? There’s going to be photos.
Garrett: Correct.
Brady: And if they like the photos, it’s going to be different than other rooms. And if they like it, they’ll be like, ” What is this your…”
Garrett: The hotel can hopefully charge 15% more. We get free co- marketing.
Brady: Yeah. I love the co- marketing.
Garrett: Yeah. inaudible.
Brady: You could do restaurants, restaurant lobbies. There’s so many… Even the areas in the mall, right? The waiting areas in a mall, you could co- market.
Garrett: What if you could do subtly first class? What if you could figure out a way to see-
Brady: The seats? The footrest or something?
Garrett: No. More the way the side panels are. Maybe what the material was on the cushions because remember if we have a theme, it’s a style. It’s like we do Modern Barn room. If you could make it all like that, but now maybe there’s only two seats in first class that were Your Home seats. You see, I just think there’s all sorts of crazy ways that you could do this.
Brady: That’d be cool for a car company like Ferrari and Virgin Airlines.
Garrett: Like Herman Miller. If Herman Miller did a co- marketing with first class and you could pay 10% more to have Herman Miller seat in first class, that stuff to me is epic. You just got to figure out where’s that true thing that benefits the consumer and they’re willing to pay for.
Brady: Yeah. Yeah. We could talk co- marketing on all different shows.
Garrett: What if we did WeWork? You had a partnership with WeWork and Your Home. There’s so many ways to do this and bring it to life.
Brady: But furniture in all these areas is anonymous. That’s the industry-
Garrett: Correct.
Brady: …is you keep it anonymous.
Garrett: It’s so true.
Brady: inaudible.
Garrett: And then I saw this ad from IKEA I’m going to use for ad jealousy one time, but they built the whole font out of their furniture.
Brady: I think it was like a display ad, right?
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I would steal that in a heartbeat for a brand guide.
Brady: Yeah. That was cool. inaudible.
Garrett: The brand guide, you could do the whole entire alphabet but in your products and the way you’re pieced together and designed. There’s just so many creative ways to position a furniture brand. But I think what we care about the most is, ” Can I get the thing I want? Is the thing I want-
Brady: It’s like buying cars.
Garrett: …inaudible?”
Brady: There’s a chip shortage for couches. My sister’s trying to buy a new couch.
Garrett: It’s not easy, dude. I’m going to not use their last name. But Brian, a guy I know bought a couch for a lot of money, custom designed the whole thing, and it took 90 days to get to his place. I was like, ” Who waits 90 days for a couch? What do you even sit on? What are we doing here?”
Brady: Pizza and bed.
Garrett: Well, that’s-
Brady: I’ve been there.
Garrett: Yeah. People are waiting like crazy for their furniture these days. If you could just get your furniture on time, installed with high quality materials, and it fit your room perfect, game over.
Brady: Yeah, it’s designed so well. Doesn’t need custom. I don’t know if that should be a public line-
Garrett: I mean-
Brady: … butmore of an inspiration. It could work with the market. Design so well, doesn’t have to be custom. And that is why you get it so quick.
Garrett: And then we start getting some partnerships with the local interior designers. We start putting the whole thing together.
Brady: Yeah. I noticed that’s just been in my personal life. The interior designer partnerships, the Pure Salts, the Magnolias, it’s big.
Garrett: Oh, they love it. And then we do custom events where we fly out all our interior designers so you can see all our new product lines, all our new releases. We pay for everything. So we pamper them the most. I think if you pamper them the most, you don’t have to always have the… We could be 1% less on affiliate than maybe IKEA or somebody else, but they don’t get flown out every year to Cabo for a two- day all expenses paid for retreat with exclusives on the product line-
Brady: For inspiration for the next line.
Garrett: Joanna Gaines is keynoting. You get some of the right people in there. This isn’t the world’s worst idea.
Brady: I guess we’re starting a furniture company.
Garrett: How many companies we going to start, Brady? I think we now… What are we-
Brady: We think carwash is a good start.
Garrett: We have the car wash-
Brady: I’d like to get into the golf course sooner than later.
Garrett: Yeah. You’ve been talking about the golf course-
Brady: I played golf three times this week. And I think we buy it.
Garrett: We got to buy the golf course.
Brady: I did the research. We buy it.
Garrett: And then we’re going to have to-
Brady: And it has to be furnished.
Garrett: It’s got to be furnished. We’ll have everything we need.
Brady: They recently did a rebrand. So it’s actually looking pretty good there.
Garrett: Yeah?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I love it. Well, thanks, everyone, for hanging out with us today. We got to talk a little jealousy. Got to talk a little bit market this. And I really do think that that furniture idea could work.
Brady: Yeah, we got to shake up the game.
Garrett: Shaking it up. Well, thanks, everybody. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, ring the bell, leave five stars, leave 10 stars, leave a hundred stars.
Brady: Ask us questions. Use the comments.
Garrett: That’s true. We will respond to them and do our best to integrate to the show so we all feel like we’re a part of it. So thanks, everyone, and have a great day.
Brady: See you next week.