Episode 41: Everything You Need to Know About The Cannes Lions Awards
01:00:52 | July 1st, 2022
Episode Transcript
Garrett: Episode 41. Got your clap in?
Brady: Yep. Got to respect the production team.
Garrett: We got to respect the production team. They deserve a good clap or a heavy snap. Yeah.
Brady: A heavy snap or a crack of a LaCroix. I’ve already cracked mine.
Garrett: Do you have one today?
Brady: I do.
Garrett: Okay. You’re rocking.
Brady: I’m trying get off the Diet Coke a bit.
Garrett: You an addict, bro?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Really?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So wait, I thought the caffeine is the thing that makes people… I don’t know anything about diet drinks. Wait, why are diet drinks so dangerous? Because you’re not the only one, I’ve got a lot of people in my life that love their diet drinks.
Brady: I mean it’s similar to just refreshing, cold, carbonated.
Garrett: There’s got to be something else to it though, right?
Brady: It’s a weird acquired taste. It’s like…
Garrett: Aspertine? What’s it called that’s in it?
Brady: I don’t know. I mean, people could gaslight me about drinking LaCroix. There’s a whole thing about how there’s certain chemicals in it that are terrible for you.
Garrett: Oh, bro. The second something gets known as healthy, there’s 10,000 people to tell you it’s not. Like oat milk, I believe that’s not healthy though. But does anyone here know anything about Diet Coke and why people get addicted to it? Anyone? Any insights?
Scarlet: I think people just don’t want to drink regular Coke because of the calories and the sugar. So Diet coke is the alternative.
Garrett: But you think it tastes better, right?
Brady: I think regular Coke tastes better, but the amount of sugar in soda is crazy.
Garrett: So you take a slight reduction in taste to feel better about the fact that you’re doing something that’s still bad, but less bad.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I like that.
Brady: Caffeine. Refreshing.
Garrett: We all die.
Brady: I think I’m addicted to the taste though. I grew up not liking the taste.
Garrett: Yeah. I’ve never liked the diet drinks. You give me a diet root beer I’m like, ” Ugh.”
Brady: And then I forced a few down and now I crave…
Garrett: That Diet Coke.
Brady: ….The flavor. It’s bizarre.
Garrett: Sometimes I want a good root beer at the end of… Depends on what I’m eating. I feel like what I’m eating… Is there a meal that you have to have Diet Coke with?
Brady: Any meal?
Garrett: I love that.
Brady: Just, I love like…
Garrett: Does the lady keep them in stock?
Brady: Oh, yeah. We get Costco packs.
Garrett: Oh, yes.
Brady: Always keeping the fridge stocked.
Garrett: You drink a lot of water though too, right?
Brady: Yeah, I drink a ton of water.
Garrett: Or have you been putting a Diet Coke in that thing this whole time?
Brady: Like the Bert Kreischer Kool- Aid.
Garrett: Like Bert Kreischer. I saw that. Yeah. It was not anything else. It was Kool- Aid, right?
Brady: Yeah, it was Kool- Aid. Like a 40oz jug of Kool- Aid. Maybe 80.
Garrett: That’s all time. All right. Well, we should talk marketing, shouldn’t we?
Brady: Probably. We just did an ad for Diet Coke.
Garrett: Yeah. Way to go Diet Coke. The best ever. So who do you got for advertising jealousy today?
Brady: I got the GolfPass.
Garrett: Different than NBC or Golf Channel or anything?
Brady: No, this is NBC. I actually never knew the connectivity between GolfPass and GolfNow. So I use GolfNow as a free user, but I think if you have GolfPass…
Garrett: GolfNow’s for tee times?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Okay.
Brady: So GolfPass is connected to GolfNow. You get better deals through it. You get instructor footage. You don’t get a live instructor.
Garrett: Oh, so GolfPass isn’t live- streaming of events. It’s like a content product to a certain extent?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So it looks like, ” Welcome to GolfPass featuring Rory.” So it teaches you how to not suck or something like that?
Brady: So, you’ll see the ad. I like how it goes after the country club feeling, but it’s more realistic. And so they do like a comparison.
Garrett: Like your local municipal country club?
Brady: Well, they just compare it to a country club so you can get the ties. We’ll watch the as and then we’ll talk about it.
Garrett: Well watch it. I don’t know what it is. So, I am actually excited to see if I know what it is by watching the ad.
Brady: We’ll see about that.
Garrett: Oh, sorry. I thought that’d be the point. All right.
Clip: Welcome to GolfPass, the world’s most remarkable golf club. It’s only$ 99 a year inaudible
Garrett: Can we pause it real quick so it’s not doing that thing. Can we back it? It’s all jittery. It’s like buffering. Here, let’s see. Thanks.
Clip: Welcome to GolfPass the world’s most remarkable golf club. It’s only$ 99 a year for membership. So, I better show you the golf course first. Members save over$ 350 a year in tee time bookings with GolfNow. You’re not limited to one course, you save on thousands, and if you play more, you need to play better. So you get 24/ 7 access to our head pro. And you’ll receive$ 40 store credit with TaylorMade. Open it. Now. Join our remarkable golf club today. Play more, play better.
Garrett: Can we watch the beginning of that spot? And before can you hit pause real quick? So Peter, as our resident producer, for the love of God, can you explain to me why there’s no stabilizer and if this is on purpose?
Peter: I guess they’re going for a walk and talk kind of look that they sometimes do in dramatic TV shows, where it’s supposed to feel more like a documentary style. And so sometimes they have that kind of shaky cam as if it’s somebody-
Garrett: Recently though, have you guys seen anything with a shaky cam? Because that gave me the spins and I haven’t seen that ever.
Brady: I don’t know when it was on TV it was different, but it seems like the frame rate is low.
Garrett: Yeah, I thought it was buffering, so that’s why I couldn’t understand. But then you could see the angles change. So I don’t think it’s the buffering. I think that that’s a-
Brady: At a higher frame rate it would be smooth. But if it’s at 30 frames per second with this style-
Garrett: Did we find this on YouTube?
Brady: …It looks super choppy.
Garrett: Did you guys find this on YouTube at all?
Brady: No, this is on TV spot. It might be on YouTube.
Garrett: That’s fine. I just want to see, because I do think that plays a huge part in this ad. Because I get a headache watching the beginning of it. I mean, I think it’s the same.
Brady: It’s a newer ad, so I don’t know if it’s on… Because that’s a website that takes from live TV.
Garrett: Oh, understood. Can we do this one? National spot. I’m sure it’s same kind, the first ad at the top. Yeah, with her. Thanks. Just want to see it?
Clip: GolfPass connects you to the world’s best players and coaches, including thousands of hours of exclusive expert instruction and contact. So what drives their game, drives yours. Play more, play better. GolfPass.
Garrett: Huh, interesting. What’s your take on it?
Brady: So outside of the frame rate?
Garrett: Yeah, it just threw me off. Yeah, I was like, ” What are we doing here guys?” Because no, I think the camera moves. Like watch, bro. Just watch this. I just want you to see this. Watch the camera angle move, not the frame.
Clip: …Golf club. Welcome to GolfPass, the world’s most remarkable golf club.
Garrett: See how… inaudible
Brady: Yeah. It’s like Cloverfield. I couldn’t stand that movie.
Garrett: Oh, getting anxiety just thinking about it. Okay, keep going.
Brady: Yeah, so the one thing is they do move quick in the ad. It’s a 30- second spot. They try to talk about the instruction and the access to all the courses and the GolfNow.
Garrett: And the play better part, which I thought was a weird angle. I thought it was dope angle, but nothing was expanded upon.
Brady: Yeah. But I like what they were trying to do, which is take the comparison to country clubs just because, especially in California, if I lived somewhere else, it’d be more accessible.
Garrett: I don’t know if it is. Texas probably was like$ 125, 000 initiation fee.
Brady: Yeah, I’ve looked into like Missouri, things like that. But the thing with that, it’s seasonal. It’s seasonal.
Garrett: It’s an all time quote from Brady. I looked into Missouri. What were you looking into Missouri for?
Brady: Haynes Valley is over there. We might do a family reunion there.
Garrett: Okay, I’m trying to figure out how you got to Missouri.
Brady: There’s incredible golf in Missouri.
Garrett: Really?
Brady: Yeah, Tiger’s course is in Missouri.
Garrett: Really?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Missouri. It’s the place it was Ozarks, right?
Brady: I think so.
Garrett: Anyone know that? No. Okay.
Brady: I haven’t seen the show.
Garrett: That’s a good one. It’s a little dark by the way.
Brady: I know they have accents and that’s about it.
Garrett: Okay. I don’t know if that’s joking.
Brady: So they try to compare it to a country club, which is very difficult to have access to unless you’re at an insane income bracket. And so, he’s almost walking in like it’s a country club. He’s talking about it as a country club but only costs, I think it was 99 a year. And then when he shows the course, it shows a virtual setting where you have access to all these courses and you save this money. And then the golf pro is a thing in a country club, is there’s local pros you get lessons from and that’s a value prop of it. And so they bring in their proprietary content with Rory I think is the main sponsor of it. And they showcase, you can train through this, you can get better through this. So, that’s why I liked it, is country club in my mind is like, that’s the goal. You got to get there and that’s the premier golf. And they kind of swoop into a lower level while still making the comparison of like, ” Oh, I can get discounts, I can play a lot, I can get instructions. I don’t have to drop 80 grand initiation fees and pay 5, 000 a month.”
Garrett: Have you ever wondered how weird that is because you only get to play one course? I always thought that was very weird concept. I never understood it.
Brady: It’s why, I mean my father- in- law, he retired and so he’s like a weekday member at Coto and he plays four times a week. And it hasn’t gotten old for him because yeah, they have two courses, so you get to play two. But you kind of just get addicted to the course and every piece of the course.
Garrett: Okay. So there is some type of emotional… I was always very genuinely, I was like, ” How do these businesses?” Because I get the social club aspect, whatever, but when it comes to the golf, the product, I feel like after even, and maybe this will be sacrilegious to somebody, but even let’s say I’m a member at Augusta. How many times can you play it? I’m a spice of life kind of guy. I want to try some different stuff, experience some new things, play different courses, see different areas, travel. It’s a little to me, maybe they still do that, maybe members…
Brady: They do. They’re all owned by groups. So there’s parent companies.
Garrett: Do you get reciprocals? Because in the boating world we got reciprocals.
Brady: Yeah, it’s like the yacht club where you can go to other yacht clubs when you’re traveling. It’s similar to that. So you can play other courses in the group.
Garrett: If they’re within their Holdco or whatever.
Brady: Yeah. So my father- in- law, he’s in a monthly tournament where they travel around and they play different clubs that are owned by the parent company.
Garrett: Now you have some competition, a little bit of travel. I’m a little more intrigued.
Brady: Yeah. So that is a piece of the country club. But for the most part you’re just-
Garrett: You said he is a weekly member. So that’s like the-
Brady: Weekday member.
Garrett: That’s what I mean. A weekday member.
Brady: Because he is retired now, so he plays Tuesday to Friday, every week.
Garrett: That’s way better too, by the way. Because I’m sure it’s faster rounds and everything. But then that means he also doesn’t have access.
Brady: Pays less.
Garrett: That’s what I’m saying. So he doesn’t have access on the weekends?
Brady: No. Sunday after noon. I think.
Garrett: Unless he books separately. Okay, that’s a very, I didn’t know all this.
Brady: Yeah, but it’s super expensive. He’s retired. He’s done well, so he’s living the dream.
Garrett: Well as it is for anyone, right? We retire one day and get to do your hobbies all the time.
Brady: And they have young executive rates where…
Garrett: They get the young people in.
Brady: …You kind of pay into a long term.
Garrett: That’s what I do with the boat. I have a J flag thing where I’m paying not much. I got no minimums every month. I think the membership’s like 160 bucks a month and you get to keep your boat at the front of the harbor. And it’s way, way better. But you don’t have voting rights and all this other stuff, but all your dues go into your token or your initiation. Same kind of concept. Interesting.
Brady: So I think by them making this tie, they’re attracting the mass audience to think, ” Oh if I get GolfPass…”
Garrett: This is your new club. I love that.
Brady: It’s essentially the modern club membership.
Garrett: I love the theme. Hate the execution, I think is where I get, I think you got to feel the same way to a certain extent.
Brady: Thrown into GoPro software has built in stabilization, you could probably put this commercial in there and smooth it out.
Garrett: Yeah and allow the script to breathe.
Brady: Yeah, they were moving quick. I think they were inspired by the Old Spice ads. Just even…
Garrett: I mean, come on. Old Spice has got shock factors. Who’s the dude? What’s a horse plus human? What’s that called again?
Brady: A centaur?
Garrett: A centaur. Yeah, I mean he’s a centaur. That’s amazing. This is…
Brady: Yeah, but the whole, ” Now look over here. Now look back at me.” There was one moment in this ad where they tried to replicate that.
Garrett: He did do that. You’re right.
Brady: So I think they were going for…
Garrett: No, they went for it. And the theme was brilliant.
Garrett: The
Garrett: theme was brilliant. To your point, I do think they make you feel like this could be your country club on both ads. So I could see this as a series, is the way I would like it. Where each of your value props of ClassPass is one ad.
Brady: Is one ad. Just like the second one we watched. That was all training.
Garrett: No, I didn’t think it was. Yeah, but they never showed me the training. I didn’t love that ad either if we’re being honest, because at no point did I make a mental connection to believe I knew what the product would be like if I signed up. That’s my only issue.
Brady: Yeah, it was kind of vague. They did the split screen.
Garrett: They had him on a Peloton. They’re not Peloton. Do they have Peloton classes? Peloton has classes.
Brady: That’d be a deal, if they had Peloton classes.
Garrett: I don’t know. That’s where I got stuck, was just the execution. Because for me, I thought some of the cool things is, ” Play better, play for less,” I think that they said?
Brady: So it’s, ” If you’re going to play more, play better.” So now that you have access to GolfNow with discounts, you can play more. And now that you’re playing more, you should be playing better, so you get access to…
Garrett: Are they two apps? Do I still need both apps? I’m sure.
Brady: Yeah, they’re separate. I don’t have GolfPass, but I use GolfNow.
Garrett: But golf-
Brady: I could get better rates if I had GolfPass.
Garrett: GolfPass. But you have to pay the monthly SaaS fee I’m sure. Or something.
Brady: Yeah, it’s like an annual fee.
Garrett: Annual. Okay. Yeah. I just wish they really broke down the coaching. I had no imagine. I don’t even know. Okay, so how does it work? I would’ve loved to see someone at a driving range using. Do you have to put it on a tripod? Do I have to go back to my bag and watch it? What’s the training experience of leveraging the app to lower my score? I can’t actually imagine it. I don’t know. What is Rory doing on the app?
Brady: Yeah, I think it’s all videos and they try to do it on the second ad by showing the putting video, and then the person had a cup on the carpet.
Garrett: That was the closest they got.
Brady: So it shows like, ” Oh, you can watch this video, but at home you just put a cup down and replicate.”
Garrett: I wish they would’ve brought me into the phone and then showed me. Like, they pressed the button and then that went full width. There’s just some ways to exit-
Brady: Because for me, I’m still stuck with, is it better than what I have for free on YouTube? I can look up a lot of golf instruction.
Garrett: How much do you save on the courses by having ClassPass? Is it 25% lower than GolfNow?
Brady: They mention annually like 300 something dollars right after they said the price is 99. But I don’t know if that’s on average, if that’s a cap?
Garrett: How many rounds. That’s why the execution…
Brady: Yeah, it was quick. They tried to squeeze a lot into 30 seconds.
Garrett: I think that’s just a good warning for all our listeners too. 30 seconds ain’t a lot of time. If you got four or five value props, maybe turn it into a series. And focus each one. I had this concept of iterative retargeting. Where essentially it’s frequency capped retargeting. So let’s say you do a series, so you’re here and you’ve got GolfPass and you’ve got five value props of GolfPass. And then I can build a sequential journey. And then once my total addressable market has seen my first ad eight times as a collective group, I put them in the second. Or I can dynamically take people out of the first group, put them in the second once they get past eight, and it just slowly filters through. But I love that concept of frequency capping and then campaign delivery at scale. Because then you could take an ad this, have four of them, and then really hone in on… I think if you hit me with four different reasons why I should have GolfPass and you really explained them well, brought me into the app, made me understand it, I might actually download the app. I just don’t know if you cram it into a 30- second spot, if that’s going to happen.
Brady: Yep. And it gives you more data. You can see, do you get the most signups on ad four? And if you do, try ad four in slot one and see if you get signups before in that case ad three. And just really start measuring it.
Garrett: I like where your head’s at.
Brady: I’m with you and I’m surprised. Like I said, I found this through TV spots. I always go on my phone to try to prep for the show and my ads are terrible. They know I love golfing and I did not find this on my Instagram feed or anything like that, where I think the sequential retargeting would be a best fit.
Garrett: Yeah. And maybe if you have GolfNow then, conditional logic, you get GolfPass ads. But you have GolfNow on your phone.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: But you’ve never got a GolfPass ad?
Brady: No, and I have…
Garrett: So that’s just a weird distribution.
Brady: …I have a profile. They have my first party data.
Garrett: That’s what I’m saying. That’s a weird distribution strategy, to have all of Brady’s data in GolfNow and leverage none of it to promote GolfPass.
Brady: I do use a different email than what I have for my Facebook and Instagram.
Garrett: Naughty, naughty, naughty.
Brady: Could be it. I don’t know.
Garrett: But still.
Brady: They might be trying.
Garrett: I don’t know. I don’t know enough about, we don’t frankly advertise that many app first companies. They’re mostly web apps than they are mobile apps. But yeah, it’s interesting. All right, let’s talk about mine. Completely different. Experiential.
Brady: I eat Cheez- Its on the golf course.
Garrett: Yeah, you do.
Brady: There’s a tie.
Garrett: Yeah, you do. All right. So shall we? Cheez- it stop pop up in Joshua Tree. So sick.
Brady: Those are fresh.
Garrett: Those are soggy. I like this stupid. I love that tagline. I like that one. So, that’s my ad, which is really a marketing campaign.
Brady: Yeah. Experiential campaign.
Garrett: It is. Now, I really like the, ” Want it, need it, Cheez- It.” I love that. And how they use the “It” for” Soup it” and other things to integrate it all. What’s your take on it?
Brady: I could use some Cheez- Its right now.
Garrett: Yeah, I made you want one, right?
Brady: Yeah, I like it. I’ve seen more popups lately. I think it’s smart to do it in Joshua Tree, road trip type destination. It seems like the station is already a thing.
Garrett: Yeah, I think it’s probably used for popups.
Brady: Yeah, it seems like a retro gas station that people might go to and take photos at. So they use an already iconic place. I thought they did a very good job at refurbishing it for all Cheez- It. Like the accent wall had Cheez- Its.
Garrett: A bit of swag.
Brady: I think that cowboy with the gas pump is already there, but they just branded the gas pump to say Cheez- It.
Garrett: That’s a whole other thing. This whole guy makes those large characters.
Brady: Yeah. So I think it’s smart. I’m curious how many people went out of their way to go to the popup, versus drove by it and experienced it.
Garrett: See, I wanted you to get to that point. I don’t think it has anything to do with that. I think it’s social, baby. Because you need physical to go digital these days.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Right? You need physical to go viral digitally and get your distribution. So what I loved about the campaign and what I wanted to see, and I was going to see if Scarlet could help us out, is if you could check out Cheez- It on TikTok for us. Because I’m of the opinion that the value of a campaign like this is not people going to Joshua Tree, but instead the value, or even people visiting it, so much as the people distributing it if they visited. And I wonder if they invited influencers and stuff like that to the popup. Yeah, there’s the guy. Keeps scrolling, I see him. Okay.
Clip: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Garrett: Oh, wait, wait. See the comment? I like that. This was great, but everything available for purchase was sold out by Saturday, June 10th. I guess it worked pretty good, Brady. They were sold out by Saturday. What else do we got? Do we have any like… Let me see this one.
Clip: Frick. This is going to be problem, isn’t it? Frick.
Garrett: Things about the Cheez- It stuff that just makes sense. Let me see that one. I want to see if we, I don’t know how to see this. I love the…
Brady: Yeah. Maybe the girl sitting crisscross with like 300,000 views doesn’t seem like an employee of it.
Garrett: Yeah. Let me see.
Brady: Oh, it’s posted by Cheez- It.
Garrett: Yeah, but she’s in Joshua Tree, right? It’s a crazy big bag. How’d that get 300? I don’t understand the internet anymore.
Brady: Same.
Garrett: I’m losing my touch guys.
Brady: Yeah, I was hoping it wasn’t posted by Cheez- It.
Garrett: See, I love the purse too. I love the purse. The Cheez- It purse. Oh, let me see that too. I’m obsessed with their marking. I love that. I love it. I’m obsessed with Cheez- Its. I wanted to see, is there a way to see who shared it, at all?
Brady: So at the top there was like a category, but there’s only three posts in it.
Peter: This is on Cheez- It’s page.
Garrett: Yeah. How do you tell if like you got to search Cheez- It? Okay, yeah. Oh, maybe on the Cheez- It did they give us a pop- up that we can then search for? You got to sign in. You know who also doesn’t know my login?
Brady: Let me see if I can find it on the gram.
Garrett: Yeah. What about Instagram? Can we try Instagram, Scarlet?
Brady: Cheez- It.
Garrett: Yeah. Garrett Mehrguth, perfect. Yeah, because to me the value of this campaign is how people distribute it, if that makes sense. And we want that. Cheez- It popup, 39 posts. There we go. Okay. What did Cheez- It tag it as? Can we go to just Cheez- It, and then see what they tag their hashtag as, just so we make sure we get it right? Because then maybe we could find it. Joshua Tree Cheez- It was pretty high up on the list actually right there. Let’s see.
Brady: Yeah, I found videos just looking up the Cheez- It hashtag.
Garrett: Okay. # Cheez- It. Maybe just go that simple.
Brady: Yeah, it’s tough to, even if they try to get people to use a certain hashtag, I think that’s…
Garrett: You’re right. No, it’s like… Look at the shoe. This stuff is good. Yeah, it’s a lot of… Let’s see how many of the posts, keep scrolling, let me see. I want to see how often… There we go. Any views on those? That’s a couple comments. That’s pretty sick. Yeah, because to me what I would do if I were to do this popup, and I’m sure they did, was just invite all the influencers. But how you get someone to drive all the way to Joshua Tree for Instagram posts. Maybe I don’t understand the influencer games. Scarlet, you more about the influencer game. Would people drive all the way out there to Joshua Tree?
Scarlet: I think so. But also it’s Cheez- It, it’s not a…
Garrett: It’s not Revolve.
Scarlet: Yeah, or a fashion brand.
Garrett: Yeah, that’s what I mean. Revolve crushes this.
Scarlet: They can’t wear a Cheez- It.
Brady: Because we’ve done-
Garrett: Well they were all sold out, Scarlet. Everybody bought the Cheez- Its.
Brady: We’ve done Lululemon popups in Hawaii where it’s a pop- up shop and they do these iron- on prints. Which they do at every Lulu in Hawaii but this pop- up had special decals, Hawaii only.
Garrett: That you could only get there kind of thing?
Brady: Yeah, In and Out just did a pop- up in Japan and that one went crazy when it came to the line for it.
Garrett: Well, In and Out. Yeah. In and Out’s on a different brand level than Cheez-It though.
Brady: I think to Scarlet’s point, Cheez- Its is kind of a tough one.
Garrett: But they’re kind of becoming one and I’m really proud of them. Impressed with them. It takes a lot of creativity to do something like this.
Brady: Yeah. And I think there’s certain influencers who are like, ” Yeah, this is fun. This is quirky. I do love Cheez- Its.”
Garrett: That’s, I think, an important part of it.
Brady: “I usually don’t talk about how much I love Cheez- Its on my channel.”
Garrett: Because it makes me look like a fatty, but here we go. Right? I think that’s kind of also, how often do people go, ” Eating like crap today?” Especially when a lot of the influencers have a different vibe. How many likes did it get? I was just curious. Can we see that?
Brady: Good photos.
Garrett: A thousand. Yeah, great photos. They got the cool little car.
Scarlet: This is definitely an influencer.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Yeah. The red shirt.
Garrett: Thanks for coming by. Yeah. I mean, it’s a pretty good coverage. It’s a lot of posts about the event. Cheez- It stop. Maybe that’s the tag they were using. Cheez- It stop. I don’t know.
Brady: I think it’s just good as is. Without influencers, just being there, families driving through, kids wanting to see it. They now have Cheez- Its in the car and it gets them back on the snack game.
Garrett: I know but how expensive was this? For just the drive, bro. How much can you sell a Cheez- It bag for? Like 2. 50, 3 bucks?
Brady: No, but it’s like the long term play. There’s so many snack options now to shop for for your kids. So if you get them liking Cheez- Its again…
Garrett: Oh, I like that. The lifetime value of a child liking Cheez-Its.
Brady: Parents may have forgotten how much they like Cheez- Its too.
Garrett: I do love Cheez- Its. Because we’ll give them to my daughter and then I can always just go like, grab them.
Brady: Oh yeah, when they’re in the house, I devour them.
Garrett: Devour them.
Brady: So I think that’s the play, is just get them in more cars, get them on the road trip, get them snacking on Cheez- Its again. And then ideally they go home, they buy more.
Garrett: I like the swag though, the bag. Like some of the swag stuff they did is pretty sick. Like the inaudible Cheez- It.
Brady: Yeah, but would you use it? When I was in Bend, the last Blockbuster ever is in Bend. So we went in there-
Garrett: Lindsay, yes, did a photo there.
Brady: … And therewere sweatpants. Just Blockbuster blue, Blockbuster up the leg.
Garrett: You got them right?
Brady: No, I didn’t get them.
Garrett: Whoa, really?
Brady: I was so close. I’m like, ” Oh, it’s nostalgic.” I might even wear these at home.
Garrett: What was the price point? Did you look at how much they cost?
Brady: I didn’t even, I think 30 bucks. Like nothing crazy. I didn’t get them. I was close though.
Garrett: Blockbuster and chill. You know what I mean?
Brady: Yeah. The good ole days.
Garrett: I love it. Well that’s Cheez- Its. I love the campaign. I thought they were really creative with it. I had to bring this to the show. I don’t know. I don’t see a lot of popups that I think are this well executed, that get clicks.
Brady: Yeah. They went all in.
Garrett: All in. And that’s what I’m… Brady and them were like, ” Worth it for the cars.” I don’t know about if it’s worth it for the cars. Bro, I mean, think how expensive this must be.
Brady: Yeah, but it sounds like you buy a lot there. It doesn’t sound like they’re just giving those duffel bags out for free.
Garrett: Oh, for just one week. Oh, it’s a week. I wonder if…
Brady: And they sold out. I think they are actually selling product and they sold out.
Garrett: And they sold out. Way to go Cheez- It. Great marketing still exists. Way to go Cheez- It. Very, very cool.
Brady: I don’t see any snaps though. Those are the new…
Garrett: And now they just got 3 million impressions from us. So you know. Good job Cheez- It.
Brady: Better open up the popup again.
Garrett: I love it. All right, let’s talk award shows, Brady.
Brady: I heard there’s a big one going on right now.
Garrett: Yeah. What is it called, Brady?
Brady: I think it’s Cannes.
Garrett: We were off- air and we were trying to think of the topics we wanted to go with today. And when he said Cannes, I was like, ” Yep, we’re doing.”
Brady: Have you guys heard of Cannes?
Garrett: I was like, “Cannes?” I don’t even know if I say it right, if we’re being honest right now. But I’m pretty sure it’s Cannes. Yeah, Peter? I got your approval over there.
Peter: Yeah. It’s Cannes Film Festival.
Garrett: So it’s a film festival?
Peter: Yes.
Garrett: I thought it’s for ad dudes.
Peter: The main thing is films. So that’s where Pulp Fiction premiered back in the day. A lot of times like the big-
Garrett: I thought it was Sundance?
Peter: That’s American’s version of that.
Garrett: And this is the French one.
Peter: This is the French one. It’s very high esteem. And a lot of the winners from Cannes end up going on to be nominated for Oscars and that kind of thing.
Garrett: So Parasite would premiere at Cannes? That kind of film?
Peter: Yeah, that kind of thing.
Garrett: Yeah. Okay. I never saw it, but I can talk popular culture. Now, I thought it was an award show for advertising. Is it that also?
Peter: It is. They kind of cover-
Garrett: Or we just pay for it?
Peter: …They kind of cover everything at Cannes Film Festival. The main focus is film, but it’s all types of film, advertising, etc and stuff. I mainly just hear about it normally because of film awards, but they do all sorts of media. Anything that has to do with media.
Garrett: Let’s go to agencies, will you, on that bottom right? You want to subscribe real quick? I can filibuster. So what I’m just curious about here is… Who’s OpenAthens? You’re not using Gmail or something? They’re going to use OpenAthens. Have you ever heard of OpenAthens, for one click? Maybe it’s like a French thing because it’s in France right? South of France?
Peter: Yeah.
Garrett: Okay. So I know about this because this is where all the big creative ad agencies historically win their awards. So while we’re looking at Cannes and she’s kind of pulling it all up, I guess my question to you Brady is, so you’ve been doing sales at Directive on the calls for how long now? How many calls do you think you’ve done?
Brady: I don’t know how many calls. I’ve been dedicated in the role for a year, but then throughout my career here, I’ve always been a part of it.
Garrett: Been involved, of course. But how many calls do you think this last year? Probably over a thousand?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Okay. I would agree. So, let’s say you’ve done a thousand calls. At what point has a prospect asked you what awards we have won in a thousand calls?
Brady: Never. But I think that’s the difference between this, the media space, because when I was diving into these and I was like, I personally don’t love the ads.
Garrett: Oh, I like that.
Brady: But it’s like all the Ad Age topics of the big media agencies and Coca- Cola stopped working with this person, so that means…
Garrett: The drama.
Brady: Yeah. New media agency’s going to take over.
Garrett: The account’s under review. Who’s going to win it, Walter Thompson or Ogilvy?
Brady: Because I was trying to think, we’ve obviously been evolving as a company over the past decade.
Garrett: Watching Scarlet figure this out is kind of entertaining though.
Brady: But it almost feels like there’s still a gap to entering this type of media space.
Garrett: There is.
Brady: I almost think you work at a large company for years, you’re the best creative director there. You do your own spinoff. Everyone knows about you because you just left Ogilvy.
Garrett: Then you launched your first new campaign at Cannes.
Brady: Yeah, you launch your first campaign, and behind Ogilvy’s back and you took their client and now a new media agency has been born. So the Lions is the award ceremony and when you win, I think you get a Grand Prix.
Garrett: Which is, I’m guessing, shaped like a lion?
Brady: I don’t know.
Garrett: Can we go to, okay, so go to…
Brady: I thought it was Formula One when I first saw it.
Garrett: Can you go to awards maybe? And then let’s go to Cannes Lion awards. I love how the menu has totally changed on you Scarlet, and now its like, can’t find it. Is that Obama? Because that came out of nowhere. I’m not going to lie. I thought that was Obama. Am I missing? That looks like Obama.
Brady: Could be a piece of Beeple art.
Garrett: Oh, that’s an interesting one.
Brady: Beeple does that all the time.
Garrett: I love it.
Brady: Maybe go to, I mean, Ad Age has it all over right now. Everyone winning.
Garrett: I know, but what happened to the menu thing where she could see agencies? Because I just wanted to see which agen… She was on a website that was working. What happened to that website we were on? This is not the same web… The other one you were on. What the heck happened? It was Cannes. Where did you? What about the work, the Lion’s entry one maybe over there and the other page on the tab, above it, to your top tab.
Scarlet: What are you talking about?
Brady: Just next to YouTube, the work between where you’re at now and…
Garrett: Yeah, this is where, maybe hit learn more.
Brady: Try reloading maybe.
Garrett: Love the work. That’s where you were, is all I’m trying to say. You were right here on this page when you created your account.
Scarlet: Yeah.
Garrett: Want about learn more? Are they going to let us? Then hit the menu. Because I think you already signed in. See that little face thing right there. So click menu, top right. Menu top right. Yeah. And then go to agencies. This is all I wanted to see real quick. I just want to see who participated. Because I think, nevermind. One of the agencies built the site. No.
Brady: And it’s also showing 902,000 results. So I don’t know if it would.
Garrett: Yeah, so all right, well this is great. We talked about Cannes. Thanks for that, team. We did great there. It was like four different websites, none of which helped us with anything.
Scarlet: I don’t know what I signed up for. They have my information.
Garrett: When you became the laptop lady, this is what you signed up for somehow. I don’t understand where it went.
Brady: It’s live user experience auditing.
Garrett: Yeah, it is. Cannes Lion. This is what it’s like for everyone to figure it out. I have never heard anyone ask me in my whole career, in 10 years of doing this, what awards I’ve won. So I would argue for the performance marketing world, it’s not as important now.
Brady: Or care when I tell them which ones we have won.
Garrett: Yeah. They don’t seem to give a rat. They don’t care. Because we used to do US Search Awards. I’ll show you like our industry awards, Scarlet, if you could pull them up. Sorry, I got you when you were drinking water. But the US Search Awards, we don’t advertise them. So the way I figured out how you win awards is you just pay enough on the submissions that if you don’t win any, that you don’t think you’ll keep paying. I know that’s not I as authentic as everybody wants to hear, but I’ve found it to be very hard. It was all digital when we were doing it because it was during COVID. We put them on our website. Maybe they’re good social proof, maybe they improve conversions. But if you look at the categories, they have our whole industry in here. Like Best Healthcare, PPC Campaign, Best E- commerce SEO, Best Use of Search Finance. So we submitted to a bunch of these and we won, I think a bunch of them. But I don’t think it did anything for us, if we’re being completely honest. There’s no notoriety. There’s no fame. There was no, ” Oh my God, directive?” And our pipeline blew up. Agency of the Year. I haven’t really seen, maybe if you win a big award, it’s good for the PR. What’s your take on it? Do you think award shows in this whole industry is relevant still? No one asked us about it. No one cares.
Brady: Yeah. I mean, I think we covered it a while ago, when we talked about awards and we concluded it doesn’t really matter at least in our space.
Garrett: Did we talk about it on this show?
Brady: A long time ago.
Garrett: 40 episodes ago or something?
Brady: Maybe.
Garrett: Okay. I don’t remember it. Do you Scarlet?
Scarlet: No.
Garrett: Peter, do you remember the awards?
Peter: That would’ve been before me.
Brady: I’d put money on it. I’d put money on it.
Garrett: He’s going to find it tonight. Brady.
Brady: It might not be posted anywhere. Could have been a scrubbed episode. But to your point, I do think maybe the badge, hard to measure.
Garrett: Hard to measure.
Brady: But it’s almost like the” As seen on TV,” gimmick where those are just PR agencies who land a blog post on cnn. com and then you can say, ” As seen on CNN and things like that.” It could be immediate confidence like, ” Oh, they’re legit. They won awards, they’re out there.” But outside of that, in our space I don’t think it means much. I don’t know much about the massive media agency.
Garrett: Cannes.
Brady: Yeah. I don’t know much about Cannes. So if you win a Cannes, I don’t know if Pepsi’s leaving in their current media agency because you just won Cannes.
Garrett: I don’t think so. I think it’s just a giant industry meetup at Cannes, is what I would say it is.
Brady: Yeah. So that’s how I heard out about it. It was a meme on an agency Instagram page I follow, about your company sending you to Cannes and then just getting drunk and skipping sessions because you went to a pool party.
Garrett: You wouldn’t.
Brady: I wouldn’t.
Garrett: I wouldn’t.
Brady: I wouldn’t.
Garrett: We would never go to south of France and just avoid the corporates.
Brady: I’d go to every session.
Garrett: Every session. Detailed notes. Deep relationships, networking like crazy. That’s you and me.
Brady: Definitely.
Garrett: We’re big award show guys. Can you imagine? So remember we went to one of these? Remember that? When we used to do, we would advertise, we would go to…
Brady: We meant to a handful. We went to Unbalances.
Garrett: Well, we went to one though that’s in the same industry. Remember? It was all brand marketers.
Brady: Oh yeah.
Garrett: Yes. Remember that? And we were-
Brady: ANAs.
Garrett: ANA. Yeah, baby. We went to the ANA for B2B. Remember that? And the big guys, there were Gyro. Remember that? And they had this whole experiential marketing booth and all this stuff. And you and I were there like, ” We get your results.” And they’re like, ” Who cares?”
Brady: Yeah. ” We’re a global freelance network with 500, 000 employees that aren’t full- time but…”
Garrett: But we’ll count them.
Brady: “…we’ll let them do work for you.”
Garrett: It was a weird, remember how weird that was when we were talking to everybody? We were the only people that were like, ” What’s the ROI? How much money-”
Brady: “Do you want toactually talk about performance?”
Garrett: Yeah. We’re like, ” Well, how much pipeline does that drive?” And they’re like, ” Pipeline?”
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So, it is a whole other world. I like their world. It’s like, come up with a cool campaign, advertise it like crazy on TV, and then hopefully revenue goes up. I mean, that’s a better gig than what you and I got where they can log in every day and be like, ” Why’d you do this?”
Brady: The Serena William’s one I found, they did talk about organic-
Garrett: Can we see it?
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: Can we go on YouTube? Serena Williams AI, right?
Brady: Yeah. Something evolving.
Garrett: Cannes. Yeah, wins the Grand Prix.
Brady: Yeah. Never done evolving.
Garrett: All right. Never done evolving.
Brady: Digital Craft Grand Prix Winner.
Garrett: AKQA. People love AKQA.
Brady: I don’t know if it’s actually AI. It might just be machine learning.
Garrett: Got you again.
Brady: Whatever that difference is.
Garrett: Can we…?
Peter: The video was on the last page. If you go back.
Garrett: Oh, way to go, peter. There we go. Oh.
Brady: No, case study.
Garrett: Same one. Let’s try it. Let’s see if it works.
Brady: Yeah, this is it.
Garrett: Yeah. There it is.
Clip: Serena Williams here. I’m just so grateful because, yeah, you got me here. On August 9th, 2022, Serena Williams announced her retirement.
Garrett: I love the copy in the font.
Clip: Two days later, Nike released a yearlong study-
Garrett: How the font goes up is sick.
Clip: … Ashowcase of what it takes to stay on top for over two decades. From fear, insecurity, nervousness, to power, experience, mental toughness. This is Never Done Evolving, featuring Serena Williams, an AI study in the form of avatars that reveals the evolution needed to become the greatest of all time. We analyze all data and footage from official tournaments throughout Serena’s career. Machine learning was able to model each era’s playing style, decision making, shot selection, reactivity, recovery and agility. Creating the most accurate virtualization ever done with an athlete. Serena’s avatar’s data is being used to improve techniques for young athletes and product technology. It’s a first of its kind approach in the sports industry to make it accessible and inspiring to everyone in the world. We turned the study into a live virtual match starring 17 year old Serena, the age she won her first grand slam against 35 year old Serena, the age she won her 23rd grand slam. The game was the result of more than 130, 000 games generated using vid to player technique, developed by Stanford University. At every point won, Josh Appel showcases the study’s main insights. Well, you can just see the power on these serves from 2017 Serena Williams. We’re all extremely passionate about sport. When we look at the data we captured, there’s beauty in that. The lines and curves, it’s like a symphony. The game broke all Nike’s organic views records on YouTube and spread across mass media courts. I mean, this level of excellence kept over so many decades is just… I feel it’s more of an evolution of Serena.
Garrett: That’s pretty dope. Now, who won? Did they not tell us? That wasn’t really the ad. Is there an ad?
Brady: I mean, that was the campaign.
Garrett: Campaign. Which is dope. Okay.
Brady: And so I guess it produced that match, the 17- year- old versus however old she was in 2017.
Garrett: So I love it. I think one of the things I take away from this when I watch it, is what greatness takes when it comes to campaigns or advertising, is you have to do something remarkable to come up with a campaign that good. It’s pretty remarkable to map out every single solitary shot she took and then put it into an AI builder to have two avatars play each other. That’s remarkable. And that idea was big enough, innovative enough, cool enough, technical enough, powerful enough that hopefully it did something for Nike’s tennis sales. I don’t say that sarcastically, but hopefully it did something for Nike’s tennis sales, especially in the women’s category. And then also I love the social impact component that Nike does such a good job integrating of the next generation and the next Serena. Now, I don’t think it talks about the fact that, has anyone ever here ever seen another tennis player in their life that had the physical traits of Serena Williams? They ignore that part. I’ve never seen that. I mean, that is a big, strong, powerful athletic woman, who was groomed. I didn’t get to watch the movie. Did you watch the movie?
Brady: No.
Garrett: I didn’t watch the movie. Damn. This would’ve been a better topic if I watched the movie. Did anyone here watch the movie?
Brady: Is it similar to-
Scarlet: No, but I’ve done a lot of research on Serena Williams. Yeah.
Garrett: She was pretty, she was groomed for this.
Scarlet: Yeah, her dad would, maybe I have watched the movie, because I don’t know how I know all this. But yeah, her dad, every day, out there.
Brady: Kind of like the Tiger documentary, similar?
Garrett: I’m guessing very similar. Now there’s other body types similar to Tiger, to be honest.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: I haven’t seen anyone as big, powerful, strong, and athletic as Serena Williams. Have you seen her on a court with the other girls sometimes? I’m like, ” Well this one’s over. I know who I’m betting on. Serena’s going to win this one.” And that part’s remarkable too. And they never talk about that, which I always find interesting, as an ex athlete. It’s like, ” I could try real hard, but I don’t look like LeBron or Serena Williams, so I’m not going to be them.” But I think the cool part of it is the way, think about how much effort went into the ad campaign. Imagine us and the clients who fill out our form to be like, imagine you and I pitching that to one of our customers. That kind of a campaign. There’s nobody we know. I think the cool part is you have to have the Nike account to do this kind of work to a certain extent. There is no universe where any of our customers would ever do anything like this in B2B.
Brady: Yeah. I mean, it’s a blank canvas to start. I guess you could go after a company with this initial idea saying, ” Hey, we have the engineers. We’ve done a proof of concept using this data. We think we can-”
Garrett: They need the budget though.
Brady: “… We cantake all of Serena Williams matches and do this campaign.”
Garrett: We’d have to have relationship with Stanford’s MBA students and the AI department or something. Which is I’m sure is what this is, a master’s project for one of their classes. When I was doing my MBA, the stats class, we would do a program for a local company and we would build out a full statistical model and stuff for them on things they were doing. So I could see how that Stanford was a part of that. But it’s amazing. It’s brilliant. I wish I had one customer who would even not laugh me out of the room if I pitched something like this.
Brady: Yeah. It’s a cool creative idea. But I’m just curious. As marketers, we love it. And I think in the ad agency world and everyone at the Cannes Awards are like, ” Oh man, I wish I thought of that.”
Garrett: This will win awards.
Brady: But it’s all made for the market, not for these small groups of people. So they talked about the organic views. They talked about news.
Garrett: Yeah. The Guardian, inaudible
Brady: Yeah, news segments, Serena was being interviewed talking about it. So it made an impact outside of the niche agency world. I just don’t know how much.
Garrett: So if we go in here, I mean, you would think then that the match between Serena Williams versus AI, can you search on Google? Let’s see where it’s hosted. That’s interesting.
Brady: Yeah. They said it was the biggest organic video Nike’s posted, something like that. Nike, Serena. Maybe type in Serena Williams virtual match. Might be it.
Garrett: Yeah. Because I haven’t actually seen it if we’re being totally honest. And I’m pretty plugged into sports media just straight up, and I’ve never seen it. Is it on YouTube? No.
Brady: Serena, Venus.
Garrett: There it is. Full match Serena Williams versus Serena Williams. Is that up? Scroll up?
Brady: It’s verse Venus.
Garrett: Oh, Venus. Yeah. That’s not. It’s the sister thing. Yeah so for it being somehow the most viewed video, why isn’t it viewable? What am I missing here about the distribution strategy? I’m like, I’m glad it won an award and it’s really cool concept, but I haven’t literally heard of it.
Brady: Same.
Garrett: I mean, I’m pretty plugged into sports.
Scarlet: I’m pretty plugged into Serena Williams.
Garrett: And you never heard of it?
Scarlet: I watch a lot of tennis.
Garrett: Yeah?
Scarlet: Yeah. And I never heard of this.
Garrett: Is she your GOAT?
Scarlet: Yeah.
Garrett: Okay. A Serena truther, I like that. But you’ve never heard of it?
Scarlet: I’m intrigued now.
Garrett: I am too. And I tried to find it and we can’t, right?
Brady: Yeah. So the numbers could have just been like…
Garrett: Can we go to Nike? Maybe it’s on Nike.
Brady: First day of posting.
Garrett: I know. I mean, it won the award. We’re over here…
Brady: A couple news segments. That’s not too crazy.
Garrett: Yeah. Click on that right there from YouTube. That one. Yeah. And then let’s see if maybe there’s a link to it, down below in the description. There.
Brady: Awards.
Garrett: Yeah. So credits, ad agency, design, production, country. Where the heck is the video?
Brady: I’m intrigued by the inaudible
Garrett: Well, yeah. I want to discover it now. This is even more… AI commercial. Yeah, yeah. There you go. No, that’s that same video. Dream crazier. That’s four years ago.
Brady: Yeah. Different campaign.
Garrett: What the heck is going on right now? They won this huge award. It’s the biggest campaign ever. Yet we can’t find it? Can we go to nike. com? This is why I’m talking about award shows.
Brady: Yeah. It’s kind of the point.
Garrett: I mean, this is literally to my point earlier. Let’s go to Nike and let’s see even if you go to women’s tennis, if it’s even… So go to women and then do we have tennis anywhere? Yeah. So I would imagine this is the takeover. Who’s the Japanese lady? Who’s American? Or is she American- Japanese or Japanese?
Brady: I think she’s Japanese- American.
Garrett: Wrong. Sorry. Japanese- American. But I know she’s, what’s her name again? Osaka?
Brady: I forget her name, but I love when she asks her component, ” Do you like to be called Jenny or Jennifer?” And then she responds, ” Jenny.” And then she refers to her as Jennifer right after.
Garrett: Mental warfare. I love that.
Brady: No, just made a mistake.
Garrett: Oh dude, I thought that was this mental warfare.
Brady: No, I thought it was hilarious.
Garrett: Okay, so I have no mention of it here. Let’s go to the bottom right. I saw Serena on that dropdown for a millisecond. Yep. There she is. Hidden underneath featured. Oh, those shoes are pretty sick, I got to admit. I like those top right ones. Or top left, sorry. Not the top right. Like woo. I want to be clear for everybody. Top left.
Brady: Yeah, those are aggressive.
Garrett: Yeah, those are aggressive. So what are we talking about here with this most beauty campaign? I can’t find it. I just want to watch Serena.
Brady: Yeah, I do want to see the match.
Garrett: I want to see it.
Brady: What were the graphics like?
Garrett: Yes. They’re talking about how this is the greatest campaign ever made.
Brady: I mean the data didn’t really add up in my mind. They said 130,000 matches. But they were comparing two years of her career, so that’s 65, 000 matches per year. Doesn’t really make sense to me.
Garrett: There’s nothing. Is this whole thing fake?
Brady: It said watch Serena play herself on TikTok.
Garrett: That was different. I saw. It was probably… Can we go to AKQA? Let’s see if they promote. Because they won the award, right? They’re not, nobody cares. Future lines maybe, under community. Well that’s a pretty cool little graphic, not going to lie. Brief, key dates. Oh, that’s pretty sick, creative.
Brady: This is probably the second view on this page this year.
Garrett: You’re so savage. It’s a really cool page though.
Brady: I need to find this match.
Garrett: So this is their own spot, I guess. I don’t understand. Okay, so this is maybe how they attract new talent. Oh, they want you to do a campaign for Volvo. I think that’s what it’s, so scroll down. So it’s like, ” Since its founding, Volvo has been a brand that has put people first, they’ve made their mission to make blah, blah, blah. In 2023, we’re asking young people to protect one of the most important about our home planet, life itself. How can we pioneer to use technology to protect people and make them feel safe?” And they give you a brief, and then I think you come up with a campaign. Which is cool. But I guess what I’m really struggling with right now, Scarlet and Brady and Peter, is they just won the biggest award of all the award shows and I can’t find the ad on the internet.
Brady: Yeah.
Garrett: So what are we talking about?
Brady: I don’t know if ads are even made from the campaign or if the match was the final product and we can’t find that match anywhere. Never heard about the match in the first place.
Garrett: Or at least give me a data report of the match. Even if it’s not a visual match.
Brady: Have a pay- per- view event and get a ton of press about that.
Garrett: I just don’t understand what the point of a freaking award show is for the best ad ever that no one’s ever seen.
Brady: Should we look at one more, just to see?
Garrett: Yeah, I don’t know. I’m just, I’m losing my mind over here.
Brady: That was the digital craft category winner. If we can just choose another.
Garrett: Winners and shortlist, yeah.
Brady: See what they got going on here.
Garrett: There we go. Back for the lovethework. com. Maybe digital craft?
Brady: We can look at runner ups. That was the Serena one.
Garrett: Yeah, but I mean it’s not even real.
Brady: Wrapped on platform. Okay. So Spotify.
Garrett: Spotify wrapped is pretty dope. I don’t know.
Brady: We talked about it.
Garrett: That we all saw. So I don’t know how that one. How about Transparency Card? Let’s try that one. If any of the agencies wanted to build a workable website, that would’ve been nice.
Scarlet: I am subscribed.
Garrett: You are subscribed and signed in. All right. Nevermind. Can we try that somewhere else? See if we can find it?
Brady: Yeah. Just hit back and copy paste it.
Garrett: Yeah. This website’s a hell hole. Transparency Card. Congresso em Foco. AKQA again. Gorillaz is still around? Okay. Let’s do that one. Yeah. Okay. That’s kind of cool. Yeah, they give you that sex factor that they just do so good, these guys. Like they make, you know what I mean?
Brady: They should design the website for Cannes.
Garrett: I know. Can we hit play? Let’s see it.
Clip: The lack of transparency allows Brazilian politicians to spend public money like nobody’s watching. But what if keeping track of public money was as easy as keeping track of your own money? The Brazilian digital news portal, Congresso em Foco, created Transparency Card. A card that turns mobile wallets into a tool against corruption. Politicians spending data is open by Brazilian law, though they intentionally made it extremely complex to access, our system made it simple. It analyzes multiple government databases delivering, spending data updates of over 500 politicians-
Garrett: That’s so good.
Clip: …In real time by push notifications. With no need for an app or a web app, it uses a native feature of phones, the mobile wallet. Just access our website, select the politicians you want to watch and add their cards. Every time they spend taxpayer’s money, the entire country feels it directly in their wallets. Accessing spending history is also easy, like any credit card. The innovation was launched four weeks before the elections when the president imposed secrecy orders to hide his own spending data. With thousands of active cards and millions of notifications sent, it empowered Brazilians to hold politicians accountable. And even served as an investigation source for journalists from other news portals, helping to boost transparency as a crucial elections topic. Foreign language After the new president’s election, this happened. foreign language So every single hidden expense was added to our platform, plus all the newly elected Congress members in Brazil. Transparency Card is an ongoing project, ever evolving, and globally scalable. Transparency Card, it’s your money, you should know how it’s spent.
Garrett: I like that for the US.
Brady: Yeah. You didn’t get the Gavin Newsom French laundry notification during COVID?
Garrett: He dropped$ 20,000 on a bottle of wine for his restaurant that’s still open. Interesting.
Brady: We all heard about it, but…
Garrett: Wow. Now that, by the way, AKQA, that’s a hell of an ad. I got to, I mean, the video’s phenomenal. The creative, the font, music.
Brady: What’s the business model?
Garrett: Who cares? It’s cool concept.
Brady: It’s a campaign for the people.
Garrett: Whoa, whoa, whoa. It doesn’t make, yeah, yeah. This is just for the people. I wonder who paid for it? I don’t know. Maybe nonprofit?
Brady: A good politician? I don’t know.
Garrett: Yeah.
Brady: Or someone who knows like the ins and outs on how this works.
Garrett: Yeah. Good luck finding one.
Brady: If I pay for it, don’t put me on the platform.
Garrett: Yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re excluded. Scroll for us real quick, Scarlet will you? Thanks. Dang. I love it. It’s really, really clever. I wish it was more of a database. I don’t want alerts from politicians on my phone, but separate issue. But I think the concept’s really, really cool. And I think their ability to frankly, tell that story and that video is out of this world. I love the typography, I love the font, I love the storytelling, how they went about it, the script, everything about that ad is inspiring.
Brady: Yeah, it could have been confusing with the physical card being clear. I initially thought it was a physical product.
Garrett: Yeah. I don’t think at the end you thought that though.
Brady: No, not at all.
Garrett: I was pretty impressed.
Brady: But it required watching the video.
Garrett: AKQA is never really, I wasn’t familiar with your work, AKQA. We aren’t in the same universe. That’s pretty dang good. I got nothing really to say other than that was a phenomenal ad. Thanks everyone for tuning in. One day, Brady, and I’ll go to Cannes.
Brady: Cannes.
Garrett: Cannes. And enjoy the pool parties. But yeah, thanks for tuning in.
Brady: Seems nice.
Garrett: Like, subscribe, leave five stars, tell your family.
Brady: We’ll see you next week.
Garrett: Appreciate y’all support, later.